धागा: Super Mario Land
Texas, USAKrisCynical5 years ago

Ahhh I had posted asking for a video rec for setting up OBS but I figured it out and got my first run recorded AND submitted of 14:36. Thanks so much for your help! It definitely made me feel welcome. :)

धागा: Super Mario Land
Texas, USAKrisCynical5 years ago

Your reply didn't show up until I posted an update, sorry!

I'm not recording my runs yet to have them officiated, I'm just practicing and seeing how much I'm improving thus far. I'm having issues with recording because OBS is slowing down the emulator and making it really jaggy, which screws me up while I'm playing. I know it's probably because I need to find a tutorial to properly set up OBS for recording gameplay (I have it set up to stream when I'm working on artwork on my cintiq which is just a general whole-display capture).

That's good to know that mods will independently time a run regardless of timer malfunction if I submit one, though, so thank you. I assume re-timing a run for myself would just involve manually starting and stopping the timer at the beginning and the end of the video playback -- once I get that issue sorted to where I CAN record my runs, that is.

I'm sorry if any of my questions are obvious or a little stupid. I'm new to running, as I said, even though I've watched other runners for a few years now. I'm ready to learn, though!

धागा: Super Mario Land
Texas, USAKrisCynical5 years ago

Alright... I just tried starting a fresh split file, no history on it at all. I did one run just to get times down on it. On my second run literally the MOMENT 4-3 started, the auto splitter stopped the timer.

Why is this happening??? The only way I've been able to get the splitter to run all the way through to the end of the game -- MOST of the time -- is to delete the times on the last split before starting a new run. This is ridiculous.

धागा: Super Mario Land
Texas, USAKrisCynical5 years ago

I'm new to speed running and got all set up for this game with the auto splitter and everything was running fine... for a bit. Now for some reason the auto splitter will randomly just... stop. Partway through 4-3, it just stops. I've lost three potential PBs to this and it's frankly starting to piss me off.

I don't have any buttons on my controller mapped to stop the timer, so I know it's not an accidental input on my end. I have start/stop mapped to the space bar on my keyboard. I'm using an 8bitdo SNES controller, if that matters.

I'm running Gambatte r614 and version 1.0 of the game itself.

Is anybody else having this issue? It's driving me nuts!

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Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land
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Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land
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