धागा: Yakuza Kiwami
BelgiumKonradgavin5 years ago

Hi there! I want to run the game but when I tried to use the charge throw + Heat move on Majima during Chapter 2, it didn't remove a lot of health.. Does the game patched that? Thanks for the answer

धागा: Control
BelgiumKonradgavin5 years ago

Hey Noze!

Like Tonsu said, I've done a couple of 100% glitchless runs and I'm doing also any% Glitchless runs. I like the glitches but I think I'm quit done with standard Any%

If you have any question about the 100% glitchless, be sure to be on the "Control's Discord" :D

Noze88 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Hexcells
BelgiumKonradgavin5 years ago

Finally, after a year (really sorry, I thought I did that...), all levels are there. I hope I did that well... Have fun if you still run the game :3

धागा: Hexcells
BelgiumKonradgavin6 years ago

My god, I just saw your messages, sorry >.< I'll look through the next few days for more categories! Again, sorry for the very very very late answer :(

BelgiumKonradgavin6 years ago

Thank you :D I will try the any% first, when i'll finish the game (I'm nearly at the end, last chapter) but I am already thinking about a 100% route :D

Imaproshaman इसे पसंद करता है
BelgiumKonradgavin6 years ago

Alright, I checked for the trophies and I found a bunch of them usefull: King in Exile (Chapter 1) King Reborn (Chapter 2) Kingdom Creator (Chapter 3) A Destiny Discovered (Chapter 4) A Matter of Time (Chapter 5) The Price of Progress (Chapter 6) The Mark of Kings (Chapter 7) Peace Breaks Out (Chapter 8 ) Onward to Unity (Chapter 9) Tripple Threat (50 trip doors) Make Your Best Offer (One higgledy stone) No Stone Unturner (Every single Higgledy stone) A Bit on the Side (1st side quest) Side-Tracked (50 side quests) Beside Yourself (100 side quests) No Downside (150 side quests) Toppler of the Tainted (1st tainted monster) Scourge of the Tainted (50 tainted monsters) Music Buff (30 songbooks) Raw Recruiter (First new subject) Recruit Sergeant (50 new subjects) Recruiting Consultant (100 new subjects) Master Builder (Building 20 facilities in Evermore) King of the Castle (Evermore Castle level 4) Dream a Little Dream (Entering your first dreamer’s door) Dream Big (10 dreamer’s doors)

With all the trophies I have written, we can, I think, resume the 100% with the following goals: Main story (9 chapters) All side quests (175 side quests) All of the trip doors (57 trip doors (teleportation point)) All of the Higgledy stone (30 stones) All of the tainted monsters (50 monsters) All of the songbooks (30 books) All of the subjects (100ish?) Evermore castle to the lvl 4 + all of the buildings All of the dreamer's door (As I see, 10)

I think this can be a good thing for the 100% ^^ What do you think?

BelgiumKonradgavin6 years ago

Hi guys! I'm thinking about maybe doing a 100% run in the future but I don't know what to do for 100% runs. Do you think than the next goals are good for the 100%? -The main storyline (Of course...) -All the sidequests -All the people to have into the Kingdom -All of the Tainted Monsters -The Higgledy stones -The songbooks

Is that okay for a 100% run? Or do I need to add something? Thanks for answering :D

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Speedrunning is an art?

Music is an art too, without art, the live of all human is boring.

If speedrunning is an art, music too, we make them together!

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

So boring. I'm off, have a good day!

I will continue running this game with music, and I don't give a fuck about being in the leaderboard.

C88_Enigmatic, J_Dolan और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

I'm not talking about different types of music. Music is music, end of this conversation.

I'm talking about a category with music allowed, every types of music allowed, it's not complicated, is it?

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Furry, don't make "lol" of me, okay? I'm just saying something. If you do a "Music allowed" category, EVERYTHING is resolved! And runners would be happy, you know?

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Well, it's really stupid. Do another category "Music allowed" ? Everything is resolved...

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Well, it's completely stupid to make this rules. People are dumb if they can't follow rules. The one who decided this rules is as dumb as people listening to their music the loudest they can (no offense)

jigfio इसे पसंद करता है
BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Well, do not "punish" everyone? People are not as dumb as fuck... They need to follow rules and put the sound game higher than the music they are listening when running...

Psarthex इसे पसंद करता है
BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Okay Furry, but why, for exemple, RE4/5/6 doesn't have this rule? Nor a topic in the forum section...

BelgiumKonradgavin7 years ago

Just for knowing, you said than 10+ Games in the series has this rules? Tell me which game because I only saw RE2/RE3/RE7 and I think I can count, it's only 3.

About all the game I ran/Run, it's the first time I heard this rule. If you have music w/out copyright (for exemple, classical music ), and if you can heard the game, I need to know: What's the problem? Seriously, the first 20 minutes of the game is boring as fuck, so I ask again: What's the problem?

Just curious, I'm not trolling, I just want to know...

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