but why??? I thought forums were a place to discuss things like ranting about how seterra is aimlabs
Thanks mackdonald, now I full get 3 cps. very good advice.
I now know how to go fast but a new problem has arose NERVOUSNESS.
In This speedrun I start of fast but then I get all nervous and my cps goes to like 0.5cps so now instead of asking tips for speed it is nervousness now.
and also because i am lazy
That is the first thing I tried. I got no response. But I left the mod team because this game is dead and verifying runs in a game you don't like is very boring.
yeaahahhhhh. I wanna leave it is so boring all you do is just retime and verify and then do the same thing over 200 times. So what i am saying is yes
did not verify all runs because I got bored. there is still 36 runs left. So if anyone else wants to be mod I can't add you as mod because I am only a regular mod not a super mod so go ask the other mods to be mod.
verifying now this is going to be paionful
nah i am just lazy i will verify tomorrow all 30 runs that are pending
I have been having lots of trouble trying to jump over the lava in stage 3. I have practised minutes still nothing. I have even Uninstalled my drivers to see if the lag made it work. And I am holding the spacebar as well. Here I will show you a clip of me doing it tell me if I am doing something wrong.