धागा: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

just recorded it with even a better time lol


Tezca इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

While searching through the save, found a (probably) scratched idea of guns

Ask me anything!

धागा: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago


दौड़: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

Nice!,very well optimized. I think Mobile and PC should be separated, PC has some MAJOR glitches that can save a lot of time, we're talking about a minute of saved time with glitches and it would be extremely unfair for mobile players like you.

Tezca इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

congrats Tezca, you are now (somehow) the world record holder of Level Devil because the leaderboard is not configured right @gorillatheorist !!!

Tezca इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago


Tezca इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Level Devil
ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

it's because the game is badly coded and let's you jump two times, i think it's a frame perfect, where the game still thinks that you are touching the ground after jumping, so you can jump again and the two jumps get combined and you get more velocity, it's very hard because (i think) it's a frame perfect.

This technique is performed using the space button and the up arrow, you can hear that on willedeluxe's run at the end, how the jumps seems louder.

ParaguayIDoNotCodeInJava5 months ago

I should have recorded :P

IDoNotCodeInJava के बारे में
I code
सामिल हुए
5 months ago
5 months ago
चलाए गए गेम्स
Level Devil
Level Devil
अंतिम रन 5 months ago
फ़ॉलो किए गए गेम्स
Level Devil
Level Devil
अंतिम यात्रा 5 months ago