धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey5 years ago

ok thank you.

mruns, KilleDragon, और Mars02 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey5 years ago

i currently have an NES classic but not an actual NES and i was curious to know if there are any drawbacks to using the NES classic over the original?

mruns और KilleDragon इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Portal 2
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey5 years ago

ZeroMayCry i have tried to use OBS to record it in the past. it tanks my FPS and raises load times to over a minute. it's probably not worth it. on the plus side, my brother has a MUCH better computer so i'm trying to do some recording on that.

P.S. thanks for the tutorials!

धागा: Portal 2
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey5 years ago

i wasn't able to record a video of this so i understand if you don't trust this but i did a speedrun of the single player glitchless category on the 12th of April 2019. i got a time of 3'35''07. (with loads) wish i could post it to the leaderboards but a video is required so i cant.

Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

looks tricky though. you'd need a very high sensitivity mouse and a keen eye. it'll be a while before this is possible

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

if it saves shortens the wait time even slightly then its progress.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

oh ook. thanks

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

i'm slightly confused. is pellsson the creator of WSplit?

धागा: Spectre
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

does live split have a mac version?

MoonstarAria इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

so long story short: it's impossible to do legitemately?

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

hmm... i suppose this makes sense. i didn't expect it to be possible. i suppose in the future optimizations for the trick willl be found.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

would it be theoretically possible to, by any means, activate the BBG cannon without slowing down? is it even plausible? because if so, it could save several seconds.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

this is the least helpful thread i've ever seen.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

the theoretical human limit i believe is 4m55s6~~ms i cant remember exactly but its something in the 600ms range

Like और KingOfJonnyBoy इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Queensland, AustraliaIAmSeamonkey6 years ago

just... believe you can get there. ignore the journey and focus on the destination. just focus on the fact that you will get there eventually. that should help. but i dont know.

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