दौड़: Elevator Room Escape
धागा: Sports Party
धागा: Wii Sports Resort
WSR Golf the Score Behemoth -(docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lk7KTJlykpDCgdfVEBO_kMaos86zg6jL-Qtb4-5pZ2E)
Inspired by the Score Behemoth, I have made a spreadsheet specifically for Special Course. It is modified to fit this course's unique attributes of 6 random pins per hole and all possible wind types. If you have any clips to submit to it, take a look.
WSR Golf the Score Behemoth - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qbBDsyWwAiZUQSQZVYN1zQ450Neg5xiTcjnL_ixuk84.
Pin Locations (Screenshots by tendog):
voicedtunic इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Absurd Appel - Scratch
दौड़: Absurd Appel - Scratch
I know I said I was never doing this again, but maybe I'll change my mind...
1 से 18 का दिखाया जा रहा है 18 में से
HotWheelZGamer के बारे में
I play Wii Games and have a few world records - Random scratch games, WSR Golf & 3-Player Home Sheep Home Farmageddon with some friends.
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