Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz4 years ago

The video you could probably watch and learn from it but i also made a google doc that explains some of the more complex ones like getting 21 seconds on the Air gliding course. And i have played this game long enough to say that movement optimizations is the most important thing in this game and will lower your time significantly so without further adieu here is the google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LKLarGz-5uH9zYhwUJLJRB2srP3ZSBsXHCepXBMUMUw/edit?usp=sharing

and here is the link to the video showing the movement in action and the video is only 3min 36sec long

Now i forgot to mention in the doc or video but if a cliff or edge is close enough Ang will jump to it no problem a example by what i mean is 17 seconds into the video and it does saves about 1-2 seconds of time the first time around early on in the run and about 6 seconds around 24 or so min into the run. And i am only making this because i want more people to run this game, also yes i know this is probably not the best optimization in movement but really with no one else working on it its the best we have for now

PoZitron और Sklitterbeer इसे पसंद करें
Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

So is there any trick to get the score of 2000 in that mini game for the heart container? my highest score was 1750 and i can consistently get 1500 yet you need at least a score of 2000 for the heart container unless there is some glitch i don't know about or extra heart containers in the game like in oot with the heart pieces. If i knew any runner that runs 100% for this game i would ask them yet i don't know any that does and i can't seem to find a 100% run to watch and see.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Question how do you cheese him? Like is there a glitch or something to cheese his green health bar to non existent? Like he keeps killing me in 30 seconds sometimes 10

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

So what i have noticed is that you can skip the trigger by not directly looking at a specific spot on the bridge when you go by it and the trigger is only there after you kill the first spike. And this saves 1 to 2 seconds also i am not sure about the Japanese version as i only have the English version. Also sorry i messed taking a screenshot for example photos 4 and 5 and now it shows both of my monitors but the sub mission trigger is around the curser and circled area. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1plw2MgEKf1e1oMDMtsf6aEgkvr6ekqmb/view?usp=sharing





Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Question is the Japanese version really only 24 seconds faster than the English version? Which brings me to ask is the English version fully optimized as in can't be done faster?

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

What am i doing wrong? as i seem to never be able to get past chapter 11 of this game. Is it because i don't like grinding so i just don't grind or do i just not understand the combat system? I have been playing this game since 2010 and i still can not get past chapter 11 and the only thing i have figured out is that it was mostly luck that i got to chapter 11 in the first place. And i have been playing on the Xbox360 and why i have not given up on beating this game yet i don't know.

Honestly i figure coming to a speedrun board is probably my best option if i ever want to beat this game considering how long i spent trying to beat it.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Why use In game time and not real time? I am just curious as to why it is like this. Also i have seen Sir_VG's run and was wondering why not stop the Livesplit Timer at the last hit to Jegran? Like i am only asking as it seems like a odd choice for timing method when you can use Livesplit.

Also side note the last i played this game about 3 or 4 years ago i was pretty sure you could skip the cutscenes on NG+ then again could just be a false memory not sure.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Like literally a hour of the game is just the loading screen and the game loading as if you go to fast or sprint a little it feels the game is constantly loading. Like i get that they wanted to preform good on the One X but why is it so crap for the Xbox One? And before you ask yes a hour of it is my fault as my brain farted during a run a few times but it really does have around a hour of loading alone and if not careful will crash during chapter 7. Also will be submitting a run soon sometime between the next hour or so of this post.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Is there actually a way to run this game Glitchless? I ask because i know this game is very buggy and glitchy to the point that it is actually solid and not broken when speedrunning.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

Question what is the difference between the "Leave the station" category and Any%? and why is it faster than Any%?

And why is there a thing that shows time with loads and a time without loads? I ask because this game seems like a interesting game to run a few times before getting bored with it as seeing how short it is when speed running.

Also i have ran and recorded a few games before like The Last Airbender for the DS but i have never uploaded them to the site. And yes i do suck at some games like Pokemon Ranger.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz6 years ago

As the tittle implies which is more fun to play? I should confess that i have played the DS version a bit way too much and i know the Wii version is different to the point it could be considered a different game maybe. But that is enough clarity of my stupidity so again which is more fun to play?

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

It says "• Must be completed on Free Mode, proceeding from the first mission to the end in order."

but it goes into 3 different paths that re converge at Temple of the Sacred Sword. But my confusion is since it must be done in order and you must do all six of those inbetweens what is the order that you start or does it not matter?

Levels in question Death Mountain, Twilight Field, Skyloft

Keep in mind Legend mode lets you do the 3 in any order but you have to complete those 6 levels in order to progress. Like i am only asking because i don't want to actually do a run that violates a rule.

ElsaArendelle इसे पसंद करता है
Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

Like i know people claim that Japanese is the fastest language to play in but how fast is Korean? Like i assume it would be pretty fast faster than English at least but exactly how fast and is there any version differences between Japanese and Korean other than the text?

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

Like i know the Japanese version is faster but exactly how much faster? and what is the possible max speed for both versions?

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

Is there anyway i can play this game other than getting a CD-i then spending another $400+ on this game? Also if there are any emulators for this game what would be the timing differences? as i would want the closest to the real thing which i can not afford the real thing so that is out of the question.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

So if i would submit a speedrun of this game done on the WiiUVC what do i put it as DS,3DS, New3DS or WiiUVC?

And yes the game is on the Wii U Virtual Console. Or do you not accept runs done on the Wii U? I would also like to know what the differences are between this and the DS family versions...Other than it is cheaper to get a capture card for the Wii U than it is for the DS, 3DS and New3DS.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

I have been pondering why has no one done a 100% run of this game yet for this site?

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

Is there a reason why no one uses the Famicom disk system to run Metroid? I ask because i honestly see no difference in time advantage.

It may just be preference but i would like to know as i have not really seen any runs on the Japanese version of the game.

Georgia, USAHolyJesusTiTz7 years ago

I was wondering how do you record a IOS devise?

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