There's so much hilarious irony in the fact that a game all about british culture..
...currently has it's speedrun WR being held by an Aussie.
That's incredible.
Ah yes, the WR being done by a brit... with Dudley.
Britcore Intensifies
if you still have them, yes. message me what runs have now deleted videos.
Listen dude, all i would be doing by removing the old runs is erasing the history of the category. If you want to see the old times, there's a funny little "history" button on the leaderboards, and that'll let you see what WR's were set when. If i remove them, all of that vanishes.
HELL no. those old runs aren't going anywhere, they act as an archival of YBA in it's older states, and removing them paints a bad picture for the leaderboards.
if you want to settle this, my joins are on and i'm in game. come and get me, jackass.
also good luck even TRYING to get a run submitted after that. Sabotaging runs is a major violation of the server's rules, and any major violations ban you from the leaderboard.
"oh no i didn't do that that wasn't me guys trust me"
Very convincing, dipshit.
For anyone that is curious as to what is going on here, both of the people here specifically made this account to comment because they intentionally sabotaged a run that was on WR pace for shits and giggles. they've been banned from the discord server, but now they just want to find any means to insult me they can. You're never coming back into the server, i will never verify a run by any of you, you both deserve to rot in hell.
I heard the idea about your friends speedrunning the game at the same time. it would be a fun idea, but it wouldn't be legal unless one of them gets a string where they beat each NPC without someone else helping. Or they could all use separate servers, that works too. Though eitherway, if possible, count me in.
First of all, there are now All Boss categories for both the storyline bosses and non storyline bosses separately! So if you only wan to run one half, well now you can!
Secondly, Every quest that doesn't involve other players or killing a boss is now a run in the "Individual Levels" category, just incase you want to speedrun one of them. (DIO'S Plan will still remain a primary category as it requires very little RNG and is a very unique quest.)
And finally, the one you've been waiting for... THE MIH AND TWOH SPEEDRUNS ARE FINALLY HERE! You can also find them in the "Individual Levels" segment. But do keep in mind that there are a LOT of rules to follow. Happy Speedrunning!