धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

I don't exactly know if this is the right place, but I thought I'd put this out here anyway. So I recently became a moderator for We Ski & Snowboard, so I've been messing around with the theme. I changed the background, logo, and panel, but for some reason no matter what color I choose, the panel is always dark. I'm not sure if there is a reason for this but I think it would be really useful to choose either light or dark at the very least. With light color games like a skiing game, it really would make the page a lot better. Thanks :D

धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

Hey @Dangerless , It's been a bit, could you make me super mod on We Ski & Snowboard now? Thanks

धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

Posting again to ask for mod on We Ski & Snowboard ( https://www.speedrun.com/we_ski_and_snowboard ) I explained my situation to Dangerless but I'll do it again since he might have missed my previous post. I have been attempting to get in contact with the only mod of the game, Braden. When I first started looking for him I already had a run I was going to submit but I wanted to make sure he was still someone I could contact. Braden has no social media linked to his account, which seems to be against the rules of modding, but I was able to track him down on Instagram. I messaged him there asking if he could give me mod so that I could help to grow the game. Instead of responding to me, he confirmed a run that was almost 3 months old, then went inactive again. I can no longer contact him and he has not confirmed the run I submitted. Basically, I tried to do the right thing by contacting the current mod of the game before coming here, but it backfired and I had to wait a little while longer so he could be declared inactive. If any mod could help or if you need more info please let me know. Thanks :D

dripping इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

@Dangerless not to be pushy but it has been a week since I spoke to you last about We Ski & Snowboard. Since then basically nothing has changed and the only mod Braden has been unresponsive, if there is anything else I can do to help speed up the process please let me know, thanks ;D

धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

@Dangerless Thank you, I'll message him again on Instagram and see if he responds and I'll check back here in a week or so and see

धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

@Dangerless I sent the current mod a message over Instagram, despite him not listing it in his account here. Actually, he has no social media linked up to his account on here, so it made it difficult to find him. The only reason he became active again is because I sent him a DM asking him to add me as a mod on the game. He never responded to me but he went ahead and confirmed a run from two months ago. I understand that he is technically considered active but he left a run just sitting in purgatory for two months until I showed interest in becoming a mod. Am I supposed to just wait until the next 21 days are up so I can call him inactive again?

Also don't you have to have at least two forms of communication attached to your profile for you to become a mod for a game? If that is the case then he doesn't meet the requirements and should be removed anyway right? (sorry if this comes off as mean, I genuinely don't mean it that way, I just want to play video game) Thanks, :D

धागा: We Ski & Snowboard
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

Hey @Braden.Bole could you please add me as a mod for this game? I have some ideas on how to make this game better to run Thanks

धागा: The Site
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe5 years ago

Hello. Can I please be added as a moderator for We Ski & Snowboard? ( https:/​/​www.​speedrun.​com/​we_ski_and_snowboard ) Current moderator is inactive and I attempted to contact him on another site but he has not responded to my message. It is a relatively dead game but I'm hoping to change that as soon as I can

धागा: We Ski & Snowboard
Tulsa, OK, USAGriffinRupe7 years ago

Hey it's Griffin, I am working on getting the WR below 17 mins (I have the run at 17:20 but haven't submitted it yet) and I was wondering why the run starts before you can move your character. Most the runs I've seen start as soon as you can move your character

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We Ski & Snowboard
We Ski & Snowboard
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We Ski & Snowboard
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