Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo4 years ago

If you wanna request a category to be added, please use this thread https://www.speedrun.com/portal_category_extensions/thread/3tiqf

Here are a few guidelines on what to consider when requesting a category (if you don't follow these, your request is likely to be ignored):

  • Think about if your category actually needs a leaderboard. If it's just a fun thing you wanna run, go for it. You don't need a leaderboard to speedrun. If you don't think anybody else would wanna run your category, adding it would only clutter up the boards.

  • Do a run of whatever you're requesting. A majority of all category ideas that are requested would end up never being run. Having an example run also aids in discussion of how unique/interesting the routes could be. Be sure to include a link to this run in your request.

  • If you know other people who already did a run of your category or are interested in running it, this will massively help your idea getting added to the boards. One of the main things we don't wanna have is a category run by one person that then sits dormant for 5 years.

  • Provide some sort of explanation about why you'd think your idea would make a good category. Think of it as a sales pitch.

  • If necessary for your category, provide rule specifications.

  • Your category should not be arbitrary. "Setting these 3 cvars to random values I thought of" is not a good category.

  • Your category should not be too similar to already existing categories (both main categories & extensions). If your idea is just an already existing category with a very minor detail added to it, it doesn't warrant its own leaderboard.

  • Your category should not be a custom map/mappack.

  • Unless strongly justified, your category should almost always start in the vault and end at the GLaDOS fight (starting at a specific later point would need some sort of official save specifically made for it). If your category is "bring the companion cube to glados", the unique part of this run would only encompass a handful of maps (17 and onwards).

lunaryyx और Donaldinio इसे पसंद करें
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo5 years ago

(reposted from the Discord, join there for future info)

Signups for the 2018 portal inbounds tournament are OPEN! https://challonge.com/Portal2018 I am happy to announce that speedgaming will be hosting the tournament on their various twitch pages

Important Information: -All matches played will be BO3 -99% of matches played will be restreamed on speedgaming -The tournament format will include a group stage into a double elimination bracket -Group stage seeding will be based of off PB time -Group sizes are TBD -Registration cap is TBD -The tournament is open for ALL players that wish to participate, no skill requirement involved in signing up!

Important Dates: 8/14/18 - signups open 9/3/18 - signups close 9/10/18 - the tournament starts TBD - group stage ends

More information will follow in the coming weeks on the Discord (see link on the sidebar)

Also, because we are being hosted by speedgaming, we will need commentators. if you are not interested in running in the tournament, but you are interested in commentating matches, let an tourney admin/mod know

SchrammO, Blaziken_99 और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo6 years ago

Recently, a trick has been discovered called the Menuglitch/Pauseglitch. For anyone unaware, here's a quick rundown of it: You do a parry-animation mid-air, get hit and pause at the same time (within a small time window). This will keep the game running but you will still have the menu open. If you now finish the fight and then quit out, you are able to skip the scorecard+contract, saving about 14 seconds per fight this is done on. Here is a quick video of it This is possible on Run&Guns aswell as all bosses except plane bosses. In a normal run (say Any%/All Bosses) this would save over 3 minutes if done on every boss.

Now, some people have voiced concerns that this trick might make the run considerably less enjoyable. We did get some mixed input from you, so we are putting up a poll to resolve this matter.

https://strawpoll.com/ygzdbwyp << This poll will run until Sunday, December 3rd 11:59 PM GMT (that's 5:59 PM EST). Before voting, we would like you to inform yourself about the Menuglitch, aswell as please try it out for yourself, as we think this heavily contributes to the decision. Note that if No Menuglitch is created as a seperate category, this will most likely be moved to a new Category Extensions leaderboard, or possibly just as a Misc. (though we currently prefer the former).

While we did get some other suggestions on how to handle this, we think that this will only make the boards even messier than they already are.

Thanks for taking your time to help with this decision, and happy running!

mrbreadman, GUITARMACIST, और Nrrillinthas इसे पसंद करें
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Inspired by the new Knock Knock, I figured that another great meme category would be All Lamps. There are 11 lamps (let me know if I made an error there, maybe I forgot about some) in the game that you can turn on, spread across basically the whole map. Challenges this run presents:

  • Routing a fast way to reach all the lamps
  • Getting good clips throughout the whole run
  • Not losing your chair optimally (the chairs you can use as backup in most of the other rooms are quite bad to clip with)

As a "basic guide" to the location of the lamps and to show off the concept, here's a bad run I've done in 2:28:

It can probably be pushed below 1:30. This category is a nice alternative to all the other short and optimised categories, while still maintaining the "fun" (lel) of OoB.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

EDIT: I missed a few lamps, my latest count (which I think is all, I searched the whole map basically) is 14.

Jmak, Slevanas, और Erebus इसे पसंद करें
Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

Hello blazers, Goodigo here. So I requested this game for a joke a while ago, and basically stopped caring about the day afterwards. But so far, it has actually gotten quite a few runs apparently. Keeping the leaderboards on a game like this legit is a pain in the ass, and moderating this "for the meme" is not something I want to, nor have the time to do. So just in case there is anyone out there who ¤actually¤ feels serious about this game, reply below and I'll consider making you mod, basically giving you guys total control over the game, rejecting runs, changing the rules, heck I won't mind if you clear the whole leaderboard and go rogue.

So anyone who has had a run before this date, PUT YO APPLICATIONS IN BOI

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo7 years ago

So this is a problem that has been bugging for over a year now. In coop, the courses seem to randomly not lock for one partner, or in the middle of the run just be unlocked at random. Also, the cutscene for course 5 appearing sometimes doesn't play because the course is already there, even though it's still locked. Does anyone have any info on this or even better, any method on how to prevent this?

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo8 years ago

i'm thinking about running this, and i bet a whole lot of other people (or just me) aswell. however i don't feel like digging up that old tutorial by thisbluetf2 or whoever it was to learn how to set everything up. i think the tutorial in there was also incomplete, as they told you to replace some map but the download link was invalid or some shit i dont remember. whatever, i guess it would be a good idea for anyone that knows how to do it, to make some short instructions on how to set this masterpiece of a speedrun up, in the guides section or some shit.

tl;dr make a tutorial scrubs

Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGoodigo8 years ago

So apparently it is possible to skip cutscenes in some way, I've gotten it once myself and TechTony has gotten it a few times (namely the cutscene right before the boss fight). If anyone has any info at all on how to do it, it'd be nice to have it posted here.

OmegaFallon इसे पसंद करता है
Goodigo के बारे में
the cat extender
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