Seattle, WA, USAGlacials11 months ago

Sorry you got hacked, we assumed that was what happened. I banned you from the Discord server so your hacked account wouldn't send any more inappropriate spam messages with suspicious links, but I unbanned you later the same day so you could rejoin. I was pretty busy that day, so wouldn't have been able to quickly remove each new spam message as they came in.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials1 year ago

With only one run on the leaderboard I don’t think splitting them is reasonable, if it’s otherwise the same game. Can we consider other options like a time-without-loads/cutscenes time? Or until we get more runs, just document that Wii version should have X amount of time subtracted and let the Platform field inform people about that?

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials2 years ago

Message me on any platform with proof and I’ll add it.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials2 years ago

My policy for categories is, within reason: start doing runs of the category first, then let’s make the category second. The categories on speedrun.com should be descriptive, not prescriptive.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials2 years ago

Oh, I didn’t realize people used game time. I can enable a setting on speedrun.com to ask submissions for both real time and game time, is that something that would make sense here?

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials2 years ago

Admittedly I don’t run this game and am just the series mod so others with more context should feel free to chime in, but based on experience with other games that sounds completely normal for a speedrun. It sucks that there’s some random chance your run won’t work out, but it comes with the territory—the RNG is part of the game, and we’re speedrunning the game, so we have to deal with the RNG.

Many games are far worse at this, like getting an hour or more into a run before you learn whether the RNG is going to make you reset. It’s not unusual to spend hours, days, or even weeks perfecting a four-minute run (e.g. Refunct).

So I empathize, but I’d call this a hard no unless an overwhelming majority of runners agree.

(btw I assume you mean splicing a good run of each section together to make a segmented speedrun, not just restarting while the timer keeps ticking)

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials2 years ago

Looks like y’all lost the moderator you once had for this game, so I can make the rules update. Let me know if there’s a consensus on appointing a new one.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials3 years ago

Heya, existing series/Discord mod here! I'll support whatever y'all choose to do, just let me know -- for the record the current server only has channels for mainline games just incidentally, because those are the only games that have needed it so far. Clearly that is changing!

For now I've made a #beast-wars channel on the series Discord and made Ailis a mod for it. Happy to make it a category / give more control / cede to a different server if it grows to need it! Just let me know what kind of control y'all need.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials4 years ago

Thanks, I've created the new game here: https://www.speedrun.com/tptgds

I'm rejecting your submission here, can you resubmit it to that game?

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials4 years ago

I mean, the way you're putting it is that these are effectively two games:

  1. Transformers: Prime - The Game
  2. Transformers: Prime - The Game (DS)

The same way that there are two games for Sonic Colors and Sonic Colors (DS), for the same reason. I agree with you! So OK -- let's live in that world. But we don't have to create the game called Transformers: Prime - The Game (DS) to live in that world. We can just change the officially listed platforms for Transformers Prime - The Game (underneath the box art, and a dropdown when submitting a run) from "WiiU, DS, 3DS, Wii" to "WiiU, 3DS, Wii".

The other game, if and when it gets a run, should be called Transformers Prime - The Game (DS), and its only platform listed beneath the box art and during run submissions should be DS.

Even if no one ever runs that game and therefore it never gets created on speedrun.com, we can still represent this game correctly by changing its platforms to reflect that the DS game is not included.

Does that sound good to you? If so I'm happy to make the change.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials4 years ago

Totally on board with splitting them, but the DS version would need a run first to exist. For now we can change the platforms of this one?

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials6 years ago

Sure! I can make separate games for them. I'm about to get on a plane, will add them a bit later.

jurdl इसे पसंद करता है
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials6 years ago

Yes, please do! I will add any difficulties as categories as people run them.

Seattle, WA, USAGlacials6 years ago

Yeah that would be more than fine. Splits are not required, just video.

धागा: The Site
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials7 years ago

Splits I/O dev here, this should be fixed. We had a temporary API bug.

toca, Trollbear666, और ROMaster2 इसे पसंद करें
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials7 years ago

Thanks for the contact, I don't come by much so sorry for the slow approval! I've promoted you so you don't have to wait on my slow butt anymore :P

धागा: The Site
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials8 years ago

Smashboards runs on XenForo (Ctrl+F page source for XenForo), which anyone can purchase the source for: https://xenforo.com/ TASVideos uses phpBB for its forum (see footer), which is open source: https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb Shoryuken uses Vanilla (see forum footer), which is open source: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla

You bring up good points though. The problem with getting everyone who ¤would¤ work on it if it were open source to work on it while it's closed is that it's incredibly hard to discover these people. The pool is already very small (speedrunner-engineers) and the people in it are likely not seeking to join an inner circle just to make their change. They just want to fix a typo, or speed up an endpoint, or adjust the alignment on an out-of-place div.

The best way to get good long-term developers is to lower the barrier to entry such that you don't have to trust them with the keys to the castle just for them to figure out if they enjoy working on SRDC. Then, the people who do eventually turn into long-term devs won't be turned off before they start.

धागा: The Site
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials8 years ago

Having an API and being open source solve different problems. APIs are for data (games, runners, WRs, etc.). Open sourcing allows people to fix bugs or write features. Like if I noticed a page loading slowly, I could go figure out why, and maybe make a pull request to the SRDC guys with some code that runs more efficiently.

As for security: it's like sharing strats for your game. Everyone wants to bring times down, so you share info. When the community has an air of openness, people generally don't keep things to themselves for their own benefit. This is why blueprints for buildings go on public record. More eyeballs is better, not worse. We all collectively want SRDC to be 100% secure, and we'll help if we can. But right now we can't.

Other open source speedthings: LiveSplit PBTracker Splits I/O WSplit

धागा: The Site
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials8 years ago

An open sourced Speedrun.com would be awesome and I was wondering if there are any plans to get there. Enabling the community to help with bugs, issues, and features would be massive boon to the site and to developer sanity. LiveSplit has had success here with around 40 people so far contributing code that's been merged.

Is there anything we can do to help move in this direction?

धागा: The Site
Seattle, WA, USAGlacials10 years ago

This issue is not fixed. By hashing passwords before storing them in cookies, all you're doing is changing the definition of a password. The information needed to fake yourself into becoming someone has changed from [username, password] to [username, password hash]. This information is still passed over plaintext in every page request made to speedrun.com. So if I'm a snooper, the only thing that's changed for me is that now it seems like your password is just really long and really complicated. I no longer need what you consider your password, because I only need the thing that speedrun.com considers your password -- the hash. It's no harder for me to become you.

Solution to above: Use $_SESSION instead of $_COOKIE.

MD5 is too much of a beaten dead horse to be used anymore. Reverse lookup tables are everywhere on the internet. At ¤minimum¤ you should be salting your hashes. But you should also just be using a more modern hashing function.

Solution: Change from md5($password) to password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT). It will handle salting.

Please open source speedrun.com. We want to help but we can't if everything remains closed off.

NokiDoki, Gyoo और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
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