Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123456 months ago

no one readin allat who likes fe2 honestly

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123456 months ago

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Alright, so you’re out there, enjoying your morning walk, the crisp air filling your lungs, the dew still fresh on the grass, birds singing like they’re auditioning for a nature documentary. It’s one of those moments where you’re in tune with the world, just a man, his legs, and the simple joy of being alive. But then—then!—you stumble upon this scene straight out of a social experiment gone wrong. Two guys, clearly not in the best shape, looking like they’ve seen better days, are locked in this intense verbal sparring match. You know, hobos, men of the streets, and they’re going at it like it’s the championship round of "Who Can Yell the Loudest?"

You pause, because let’s be honest, who wouldn’t? It’s like watching a car crash—you don’t want to look, but you can’t help it. They’re flinging words at each other like they’re in some kind of linguistic duel, no punches thrown, just pure, unfiltered verbal chaos. And then, in the midst of this back-and-forth, one of them just drops it like a bomb—"suck my dick!" And you’re standing there, frozen, trying to make sense of what you just heard, like, "Wait, what? You? You said that? Why?"

Your brain is working overtime, trying to decode this because, let’s face it, it’s like someone threw a wrench into the gears of logic. You’re struggling to process it, because it’s not just silly—it’s absurd, dangerous even! Let’s break it down, piece by piece. Here’s a guy, right? He’s in an argument with another guy, someone who clearly doesn’t like him, maybe even hates him. And what does he do? He offers up his most valuable, most sensitive possession—his pipi. This isn’t just any part of the body, no, this is the part. The part that, under normal circumstances, you protect at all costs, like it’s the Hope Diamond or the Mona Lisa of body parts.

But here he is, in the heat of an argument, basically saying, "Hey, listen, I know we’re not friends. In fact, we’re probably enemies at this point, given how much we’ve been arguing. But, here’s an idea—why don’t you take my most vulnerable, most delicate asset, the one that has no armor, no protection, no helmet or shield, and just put it in your mouth? Yeah, that mouth, the one that’s been throwing insults at me, the one filled with teeth, which are basically nature’s tools for biting, chomping, and destruction. Please, put it in there, because I trust you completely despite all the evidence to the contrary."

What kind of logic is this? Seriously, what is happening here? This is like if someone in the middle of a bank robbery handed the robber their wallet and said, "You know what? I trust you to only take a little bit. Here’s my PIN number too, but please, just withdraw twenty bucks, okay?" No! That’s insane! You don’t do that! You don’t hand over something so precious, so irreplaceable, to someone who clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart!

But this guy, he’s not thinking straight. He’s out here saying, "Treat it like a lollipop, please." As if that’s somehow going to end well! As if this other guy, this guy who doesn’t like him, is going to suddenly become all gentle and considerate. No, no, no. If anything, he’s going to treat it like a hamburger. You know, chomp, chomp, chomp—no mercy, no second thoughts, just pure, primal destruction. And that’s if he’s feeling charitable. Otherwise, it’s more like he’s going to treat it like a Big Mac in a fast-food frenzy, where he’s not even savoring the bite, just tearing into it because he can.

And let’s not even get into the worst-case scenario—a White Castle burger situation. Have you ever seen those things? They’re tiny, they’re quick, and they’re gone in seconds. Imagine your pipi, this delicate, precious thing, treated with the same level of care and consideration as a White Castle slider. It’s not going to be pretty. It’s not going to be gentle. It’s going to be a disaster.

So, stop it! Just stop! Why would you even think about saying something like this? What part of your brain thought this was a good idea? There’s no scenario where this ends well. You don’t just offer your pipi up like it’s some kind of peace offering or some bizarre way to end an argument. Especially not to someone who doesn’t like you! It’s not like you’ve got a backup pipi waiting at home, stored away just in case. You’re not that guy, the guy from the National Geographic special, "Man with 500 Pipis Surrounding His Torso." That guy? Sure, maybe he can afford to lose one or two in a moment of madness. He could be out there saying, "Suck my dick," and it’s no big deal because he’s got a whole collection. But you? You’ve only got one pipi. Just the one! And it’s irreplaceable!

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123456 months ago

who the fuck do u think u are zzkz

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123457 months ago

nom keep talking and your wrs will vanish mate

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123457 months ago

honey burger a no eating with mustard

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123457 months ago

no one cares tbh its fe2

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

I joined fe2 in 2019, it was only since 2022 I started to main speedrun fe2. I believe that I will have some great opinions to bring with me. Whenever I am given a role I try to be active with it? With is what I will try do with this role (if I’m given it). I also just have Alot of free time and need something to do nowadays. I will try and contribute to mod conversations and I’m very active on discord. The only problem is that I don’t know how the system works, other than that I think I will be a great moderator and an amazing help to the fe2 team.

Also since I’m in Australia I’m litteraly 1 day and 14 hours behind you guys, so it’s another great reason why I should join your team!

If you decide to choose me for your mod team then Galaxxy#3517 is my discord user (:

gamersogood2 इसे पसंद करता है
Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

@8y8x stop using the wrong pronouns for me

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123451 year ago

also bc no one has 3 freinds who play fe2 😭

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

8y8x you will be muted for this behaviour, this is not something to joke about and we take this site very seriously. You have one more chance.

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

yes, as a moderator I can confirm this Is correct. If there is anything else you want to know feel free to ask again.

Many thanks, Nolyswag.

Nolyswag इसे पसंद करता है
Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

hey! im not a mod but bassicly you grab the link to the video and then you go to fe2 speedrun page and then you click the level of the run you did. after that click the submit run button next to rues. when you have done that a page should come up and you fill that

it sounds like a lot but its not lol

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

fr guys gamersogood should be mod I think they would do an amazing job and verify more runs, please consider this it would help the speedrunning community for fe2 alot

gamersogood2 इसे पसंद करता है
Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

the longer u leave this the longer the wait will be

Capital Territory, AustraliaGalaxxypro123452 years ago

@Vluward exactly, its unfair now that we can't get decently good times because of backjumping being removed.

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