Thank you so much! Just submitted my recent PB.
Hey! Recently been trying to run the arcade mode for Strive in an attempt to do a character bidwar idea for a speedrunning marathon. However, I notice there are no boards for the most recent balance patch, that being 2.01 (Or 1.19 for the version as a whole, 2.01 is the battle version). I’m using that version to run, so how exactly should I submit to the leaderboards here?
Request that the Sonic '06 Category Extensions page ( be added as a sub-game for the main game ( on SRC.
Some have run "Glitchless" for this game before (such as Ruki) but it's not a generally accepted category due to what Nimputs said. Too difficult to define "glitches" for most 3D Sonic games.
The game in general has quite the issue with variable load times, even after downloading. It's good that you've downloaded now though; but there can still be just slower loads out of nowhere. I'd recommend leaving your console to cool down for a while before starting a run, as it seems the best loads happen when the console is as a decent temperature, but not when it's hot.
Darn, I was really hoping to get Mega Man Xtreme 2 on the site, since I've wanted to boost interest in the game for a while. I know that Mega Man RTA has leaderboards but getting all the times shifted and approved on here would be good for ensuring that times are kept level and accurate. I'd be more than happy to manage them myself but I can understand the reason for denial as it's more than simply mirroring things, but the people behind it who would be willing to do so. I've tried encouraging friends and others I know in the community to join me in running this since I think it'd be a fun game for people to learn.