FranceEleval1 year ago

New BhdTool release ! (v1.3)

I have fixed the tool no longer working since Capcom updated the game earlier this month.

I have also taken this opportunity to fix a few things and add a couple more features.

You can download the tool's latest version as well as find the full changelist here : https://github.com/eleval/BhdTool/releases/tag/v1.3

Let me know if any issue arises :) (Open an Issue on GitHub if you can, easier for me to see as I don't frequently check the SRC forums).

AlbertFnWesker, Waterslidez और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
FranceEleval1 year ago

New BhdTool release (v0.5)

List of changes:

  • Fixed crash when alt+tabing
  • Fixed Keyboard controls no longer working when using the tool.
  • Fixed Save Anywhere tool corrupting a trigger in the room it was used in.

The new release can be found there : https://github.com/eleval/BhdTool/releases/tag/v0.5

Kenjamin और TikiLiger इसे पसंद करें
FranceEleval1 year ago

New BhdTool release (v0.4)

List of changes:

  • Fixed Lab Elevator sound looping non-stop when doorskip is enabled.

The new release can be found there : https://github.com/eleval/BhdTool/releases/tag/v0.4

Sorry for the triple post 😅

FranceEleval1 year ago

New BhdTool release (v0.3).

List of changes:

  • Fixed crash when switching the game to fullscreen. (should also fix other graphics settings related crashes)
  • Fixed Door Skip option not being applied automatically when the game is launched.

The new release can be found there : https://github.com/eleval/BhdTool/releases/tag/v0.3

I still need to fix the elevator sound not stopping when entering the lab as well as some issues with SRT. Hopefully I can get both fixed for v0.4.

EDIT: The SRT issue appears to be fixed as well as of v0.3, probably related to the same issue as the fullscreen crash.

FranceEleval1 year ago

@BrianNazziTV I can add an option for that yes.

FranceEleval2 years ago


It's been a while since I've posted to any Resident Evil related board :p

I have been working the past days on a personal project to teach myself some reverse engineering and REmake was my guinea pig.

So, I've ended up making a dll that hooks to the game and adds several tools through an ImGui to help with speedrun practise and other things :

  • A toggle to enable/disable Door Skip at will during runtime
  • A tool to Jump to any room in the game
  • A tool to edit the inventory
  • A tool to save anywhere

The ImGui interface can be brought up anytime ingame by pressing F5.

The tool also creates a config file upon running & closing the game once, which can be used to completely disable it. (It will then not tamper anything in the game's memory and the game can be run as if the dll was never injected).

Built binaries of the tool, its source code and more information can be found on my GitHub over at https://github.com/eleval/BhdTool

If you have any question or any request, let me know :)

Kenjamin, ISH और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
FranceEleval5 years ago

I think this topic really derailed. what should have just been a simple discussion/vote about what to do regarding patches and Glitches went into full drama. (This isn't Resident Evil for nothing afterall lmao). Maybe the "drama" discussion should be continued elsewhere (a topic dedicated to it?), I don't know, but this topic should def go back to its initial subject which was what to do on the boards regarding Glitches & Patches.

However I'll give my two cents regarding the drama going on, something I don't usually do because I just want to run the game and that's it lol. I think the concerns SephJul wanted to address were the fact Glitched runs were kinda put offboard, not really giving them any sort of spotlight and mostly associating them with OOB only. That and the fact most people running the game mostly copy and optimize the strats they see and do not try to break the game and find new glitches, thinking glitches are only OOB.

Regarding the moderation, I personally have no problem with the moderators. I was however slightly concerned with how long it took to verify runs but I think it is mainly due to the fact a big load of runs are being submitted everyday. But I think what SephJul was concerned about was the fact maxylobes is the only Super Moderator on the game. I personally don't know him at all nor I have anything against him but I have heard stories about strange moderation practises coming from him on other games (such as Devil May Cry). I don't know if these stories are true or not but I have heard them from multiple sources. And if these stories were true and with how some rules were set (and already discussed in another drama topic), I think it was probably legitimate for some people to have concerns with him being the sole supermod for RE2.

Anyway, these were my two cents on the drama, I'll get back to just running the game and this topic should get back to its original subject :p

FranceEleval5 years ago

My thought is to just have a filter that displays which version the run was done on, especially since on PC you can chose whichever version you wish on Steam. However for Console it's a bit more complicated since you can only chose between latest and 1.0 and only if you own a physical copy. So I'm mixed for that but I still think it should just be a filter as well, otherwise we're going to have a category/separation everytime Capcom releases a patch xD

CursedToast इसे पसंद करता है
FranceEleval5 years ago

@NuZ Physics is probably what handles hit reg and is then tied to frame rate. Most Physics Engines can work on a variable time step (virtual time used to simulate the physics). Usually Game Engines that aim for determinism (mostly for online play) use a fixed time step (16.6ms for 60 physics simulations per second for example). RE2 isn't an online game and so the devs probably didn't really care about determinism and tied the physics timestep to the frame rate (the faster the frame rate, the more physics simulations per second with a variable time step (depending on how long it took to complete the previous frame)). Now this is just speculation based on my own experience as a game dev but that makes sense to me :p

NuZ, WitchRain, और CursedToast इसे पसंद करें
FranceEleval5 years ago

I agree. While it is interesting you can OOB the game by not loading some areas (reminds me of Uncharted lmao), the fact it requires third party "tools" to be accomplished makes it instantly invalid.

CursedToast इसे पसंद करता है
FranceEleval5 years ago


Ratslul और Raathiaan इसे पसंद करें
FranceEleval5 years ago

Probably due to stressing your HDD (torrents write & read from it, youtube videos, writing on your HDD (if it's all done on your System HDD)), causing loadings to take longer than they are supposed to, thus preventing the RDP from loading fast enough and having collisions.

FranceEleval5 years ago

When I left RE speedrunning in 2015, there was drama. I'm back in 2019, there's still drama. Guess some things never change xD

NuZ और
हटा दिया गया
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FranceEleval9 years ago

Nicely done :)

And I think the cap is half the framerate, which is why it's faster on PC (60fps), the most optimum being 1 input per frame (by input I mean press or release, not both every frame). I tested that with an input injector which was doing perfect 30Hz smashing and Jill was going up/down the stairs like a racing car on PC lol.

KrisTehDerp इसे पसंद करता है
FranceEleval9 years ago

Sephjul, Dchaps

FranceEleval9 years ago

Multivote should be limited to two persons I think. Also, after the end of the vote, if two people are too close to each other, I think we should redo another vote (between those two only) but with single vote.

FranceEleval9 years ago

^ "I will set up the vote when I get up tomorrow.'"

Why not let Carc do it? He's the one behind this initiative and the current SuperMod of the serie.

FranceEleval9 years ago

Yeah, 24-48h seems fine.

FranceEleval9 years ago

I would like to run, add me to the list.

हटा दिया गया
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