EnglandDynamixDJ6 months ago

This is some of the most nonsensical stuff I've ever heard.

Firstly, a "glitch" is categorised as an error or oversight in the way the game has been coded which causes the software to act in a way unintended by the developers. Out of bounds, wrong warps, ACE etc are all examples of bugs that are, by definition, a glitch as there can be no dispute as to whether or not the game was intended to act that way.

The speedstrafing 'trick' does not fall into that category, as it can not be determined (without a Q&A from the developer team, at least) as to whether or not it was an intended mechanic, so it falls into the realm of being a trick.

Secondly, get over yourself dude, if you're that bad at strafe running (which noone else seems to have a problem with refining), then fine, play it however you want, but don't start disrespecting runs such as Lockwood's 112, achieving that time with only a single GL is an extraordinary feat, something that most N64 players today could not accomplish. It is far from a "joke run". Runs like Dam 52, Silo 59 etc require mastery in movement, and just because you're too crap at the game to get anywhere near that level of perfection doesn't mean you should lash out at people that strive to optimise their game play by utilising the tools (strafing) at their disposal.

Lastly, anyone can make up a pseudo category and then call themselves the best at it. If I wanted to, I could go and get the Dam WR for "C Down Only" in a single run to then post it with the claim that I am the best C Down runner in the world. It wouldn't make me special. I would be laughed at, and probably shunted by the community which is exactly what's happening with you. Noone takes you seriously.

It seems as though you have taken a very obdurate stance in the matter, and I fully expect a reply which just rephrases all of the points you have already made, without adding anything intellectual to the debate. I am sorry if you, the "undisputed best dual analogue player in the world" (getting a touch of Billy Mitchell vibes here) do not agree, but the reality is that you're a laughing stock, and I doubt if a single person will come to your defence, mainly due to how disrespectful you've been to those who opt to run the game the "standard" way; the way it has been ran for over two decades now.

guardofthecube, BreadoGuy और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (PC)
EnglandDynamixDJ4 years ago

I thought the purpose of these IL boards are to loosely mirror The Elite rankings?

EnglandDynamixDJ4 years ago

I can't comment on the quality, but I can comment on the Lv1 strat! 25.3 is insane!!!! My best Lv 1 is 27.6! I may revise my Lv 1 route, as that is a huge time saver. I'm looking forward to seeing one of your finished runs.

spelunkerNZ इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (PC)
EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

"The Godleneye Community has always been "close minded" if that even means something.. They are really not open to new strats, new techniques etc.. so imagine playing with an emulator, wtf that be crazy don't it ?" Not really sure what any of that means LOL. The GE community are always looking for new ways to optimise their runs. Emulators are banned because there is no regulation as to what type of mods could be running to alter the behaviour of the game without any notable visual difference. If emulators weren't banned, then it is likely that the runners would still use console, seeing as a lot of the warps in the game occur because of the lag, and ultimately running on emu would be slower on some levels.

Lag also has a negative effect on Bond's forward movement speed, so using an emulator would give a very unfair advantage over those using console, as the reduced lag would save chunks of time over console. It makes everything a lot fairer and simple if all runs submitted are performed in the same way they always have been - on an unmodded, original N64.

EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

What about creating a new category?

EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

There are three ways to get out of bounds on Lv 11.

The easiest and fastest way to do this is to hold Up and Right as you ascend the ladder. On the exact frame that the upwards screen transition begins, release the Right button and this should begin the freefall. If this fails, head back down again (I use a PS4 controller so if I miss the frame-perfect input then I switch the way I hold the controller to try this alternative way), then head ever so slightly down the ladder and press Up; when you hit that same frame that the screen begins to transition, release Up and press Down. This will also begin the free fall.

The other way to do it is via pause buffering, but this can be painfully long and will cost you a lot of time if you mess it up. First, go to the second (upper) screen, then head back down the ladder. Before the screen has finished its transition, pause the game then unpause, and look to see how much of the block at the bottom of the screen is showing. If you paused with one or three quarters showing, then keep pause buffering until the screen is a quarter block below the bottom of the screen to initiate the free fall. If you paused and either half of the block or a whole block is showing, then you need to unpause and try to wait for one frame before pausing again.

I know that may not have made much sense, but try messing around with pause buffering and you'll get a feel for what I mean, just remember that it's the slower option.

To get back in bounds, you need to hold Right for the entire time that you are free-falling. as soon as you gain control of Alex on the three-jump screen, hold Jump and Right until Alex reaches the apex of the jump, at which point release Jump (never stop holding right). Try to time your second jump so that Alex jumps the moment he hits the ground; if you jump late you'll be positioned slightly further to the right than you need to be, which may mean that you'll jump up past the rice cake (?) and soft-lock the game.

As with the first jump, release the Jump button at the apex, then jump again as soon as Alex hits the ground. This time (on the third jump) you want to release Right and Jump at the same time, at the very apex of the jump. Then you need to do a frame perfect jump, and this is where 95% of your runs will die. You can either mash jump, or, you can try to time your button input for the exact frame. I prefer the latter.

The button push needs to be on the exact frame that the screen begins its downwards transition once more, so you can use that to gauge the timing. You can also use the rising plant as a visual cue, just bear in mind that it travels upwards one pixel every TWO frames, so it can be a bit tricky to use that alone. It will take a lot of patience and practise to perform that skip consistently.

You should make a save state just before that jump; if you miss it in a run, just load your state and carry on as practice; the final dungeon skip also takes a lot of practice, but is a LOT more consistent than the Lv 11 skip once you have it down. It took me nearly 1000 attempts before I was able to finish a single run where I successfully performed both skips successfully.

Also, this vid should help:

Oh, and congrats on the WR man, I will be trying to beat that time :P I ran our runs side-by-side, and we were exactly even going into the final castle, but I made a lot more mistakes than you. Well done dude!

Strackel और Phozon इसे पसंद करें
EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

@SpeedIdol Not at the moment, I only get 1mbs upload speed, but I'm going to be upgrading that soon (today, in fact).

"Remote play to a pc. And then record via obs. Just make sure both the PC and the PS4 are connected via Ethernet." I didn't even know this was possible, thanks, I'll look into it :)

EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

I have the same question, but my intention was to merge the two segments into one video using editing software, seeing as there is no way for me to capture my 1hr+ run.

If I upload my run as one video but with a clear cut midway through (usually just before I get into the gun shop), will it still get accepted?

EnglandDynamixDJ5 years ago

Well, I came back to this about four days ago, and I finally finished a run :) :) 3rd place on glitches.

Quick question regarding the timer though, I've used Real Time instead of in-game time, does that means that I am supposed to knock 3.5 seconds from my end-time? This is the first run I have submitted, so I'm still a bit of a noob. My final time was 11:06.11.

I can definitely improve on that time, but for now I'm gonna learn the two levels for glitchless and give myself a break from frame perfect bs lol.

धागा: Final Fantasy VII
EnglandDynamixDJ6 years ago

Hi! I've never attempted a FFVII speedrun before, but I'm inspired to start looking into it.

Anyway, I realised that the Chocobo Speedrun guide here can be improved, so I designed a method that requires 1 less hard reset and 5 fewer battles:


If anyone wants me to, I can shave quite a bit of time off by designing a "No Hard Reset" strategy, which shouldn't be too difficult. I reckon I may also be able to knock 2 or 3 battles off aswell.

EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

I know lol. I have to sit with the console on my lap to be able to pause the game when I need to haha

EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

I've tried using Regen and Fusion, although I stick with Fusion as it is more stable.

Annoyingly, my modded SMS has come with an intermittent Pause button, which means I cannot rely on it for my speed runs (the last dungeon skip requires a frame perfect pause), so I guess I'll stick to using an emulator. Now I know why it was cheap. There are more professional mods out there for more than twice the price (I paid £40). My SMS also has bad sound quality, like it isn;t earthed; there is a low level humming noise in the background.

I am using a keyboard at the min, so I guess my next step would be to buy a PC Control Pad? The thing is, I can punch if holding Down+Left+Punch, plus Up+Left+Punch, plus Up+Right+Punch. It's only Down+Right+Punch that doesn't work, which is really annoying as I need those buttons to work on the first level. I lose too much time otherwise. All other levels are fine, it's just the 1st

EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

Cheers for the reply.

If I can't find a way to stream directly from my SMS, then I'll have to go with the emu route, which I don't mind, I just need to find a way around the fact that I cannot punch while swimming and pushing down+right. Any ideas?

I guess I'll just have to wait until my modded sms arrives then take it from there. I have the time to learn how to get everything set up, and I have an amount of cash I can throw at this thing, especially seeing as live-streaming is something I want to get into, and streaming directly from my retro consoles would be much more preferable than from emu's.

Today I'll be setting up Wsplit and a few other tools. The youtube vids I've watched do not seem too complicated.

धागा: The Site
EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

I did, I tried logging out and in, it didn;t work

Eventually, the pic I uploaded became my avatar, it just took about 10 mins to do so after having been uploaded.

धागा: The Site
EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

I uploaded a mug of myself when I joined, and immediately decided that I want to change it, however, every time I select a new picture and save, the old picture remains.

I've tried different file types i.e jpg & png, I've also tried resizing the pictures to as little as 220 x 150, nothing works! My ugly mug remains as my avatar :/

EnglandDynamixDJ7 years ago

Hi! I'm completely new to the world of speed running, and live streaming for that matter, and I thought Alex Kidd would be a good place to start. I'm nearly at a point where I should start recording my runs, as I'm getting quite good now (so long as I make it past that blooming glitch on Lv 11).

I choose to do the run on my Master System console, as I prefer the clunkyness of the control pad; it makes a few jumps a bit easier, plus, when I press Down+Right while swimming on an emulator, I can't punch for some reason, which ruins my Lv 1 attempts.

So, I've just bought (and waiting to arrive) a modded RGB Master System which also has a 50/60hz toggle switch (Alex Kidd bios). I've also bought a Dazzle Avid DVC100 capture recording device. I'm hoping this will be enough to capture my footage? I'm also guessing that I should upload my runs as NTSC, seeing as I'll be running on 60hz (even though it's a PAL console).

Any advice for a noob would be appreciated :)

DynamixDJ के बारे में
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