@AZRAEL_II Hi! For Linux, I have been told that the solution should work: https://grapefruit.neocities.org/stuff/livesplit_proton
PS: Even if you run without a timer, it does count. As long as we are able to manually calculate and time the run by checking the in-game timer. But we do prefer if players do their runs with the autosplitter.
Mod note: This might have to be re-timed at a later date, depending on what we figure out and decide regarding editor timing.
Workaround to fixing PuzzleG3:
PuzzleG3 is not playable in version 1.0 of TrackMania. The track was fixed in patch 1.1, but we are currently having some difficulties getting a 1.1 installtion to work with modern systems. The following is a workaround.
Download the "PuzzleG3 fix" folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19bQShNKM7kSTzo_fDDMbfjg6GFlHxYM9?usp=sharing
Extract/Unzip the folder.
Copy the GameData folder and paste it in your game installation path (C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania).
Select "Replace the files in the destination".
- Select "Do this for all current items", and "Continue".
PuzzleG3 should now be playable.
Thanks to community made repacked patches, you can now install and run the game on modern systems. The copy protection program StarForce is completely removed from this installation. However, if you want to be on the safe side, download the StarForce driver remover from the official website: https://www.star-force.com/support/sfdrvrem.zip Run the remover tool after you are done installing the game.
Download the TrackMania (2003) installer from archive.org: https://archive.org/download/TrackMania2003nOriginal-Liv-Bs/RIPS/TrackMania%202003%20(ENG%2C%20FR).zip
Backup in case of removal from archive.org: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19bQShNKM7kSTzo_fDDMbfjg6GFlHxYM9?usp=sharing
Extract/Unzip the folder.
Run "TrackMania Rus & Eng installer". The installer is in Russain, meaning the wizard will display nonsensical letters if you don't have language installed. The buttons you have to select will be highlighted.
Select Yes.
- "Next".
- Set your installation path and select "Next".
- Select "English version" in the dropdown menu, then "Next".
- "Next".
- "Next".
- "Install".
- "Complete".
The installer will close and open the launcher:
The launcher can not be used to launch the game. But you will need to use the launcher in order to configure graphical settings, as well as music and sound volume.
To launch the game, go to your installation path (C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania) and select the TrackMania.exe file.
If you plan on installing more TrackMania games, while still keeping TM2003 installed and playable:
Rename the installation folder from "TrackMania" to "TrackMania2003". Meaning your installation path is now C:\Program Files (x86)\TrackMania2003. If you install TMPU or TMO without renaming this folder, the newer games will update and override TM2003, removing it from your computer.
Also, your youtube videos are set to "For kids" by default. This means the video will not playback here on speedrun.com, and it also becomes impossible to leave comments on the video. You should be able to change this in Youtube Studio -> Content -> Edit Details: Scroll down to "Audience" and select "No, it's not made for kids".
And thanks for the live commentary! Made it more interesting to watch :D
Resources now show the user who posted/uploaded the resource to the site as the single author. Resources I have previously uploaded on behalf of others now has me as the author, even though I had set someone else as the author. Resources that previously had several authors now only show the uploader. No release date results in 'never', as it currently does in many other places.
Resource links changed, so the old ones I've used in rules or forum posts no longer work. This also happened with the previous major site-update and I had to go fix all the links I had posted. Would be nice if the old links also worked so we don't have to go through every single guide or forum post to change links with every update.
I know that info comes from a trackmania iceberg video, but the video doesn't have any sources or info backing up that statement. I do not think there is anything to support the idea that the developers played on different physics. All the TrackMania DS ATs are even listed online, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210422201042/https://en.tm-ladder.com/time_page/index.php?game=ds All of them are possible to get.
And like rphd mentioned, there is one instance of an impossible AT in TrackMania Turbo: Build to Race (DS). The impossible track is CoastC5, and you can see a video about the details here:
I'm not sure about adding them to the nadeo campaign, but you can add the bonus tracks as a custom campaign. I added all the bonus tracks in 4 series inside a custom campaign, mirroring how they look in the track folders. You can see what it looks like in this run: https://www.speedrun.com/tmsex/run/yv9qwj8z
When I have some free time, I could check if this custom campaign can be easily shared or downloadable.
If anyone would want to speedrun this game with United Forever, you can now do that with the TrackMania Nations Remake custom campaign. Your runs would would go to the TMN Remake leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/tmnr
Custom campaign installation guide: https://www.speedrun.com/tmnr/thread/tbitw
If you have TMUF, you can install and speedrun custom campaigns. The custom campaigns are found under the modifications tab of tmuf: https://www.speedrun.com/tmuf/games#unofficial=on
Installation guides are located in each sub-games forum: https://www.speedrun.com/tmnr/thread/tbitw
Custom campaigns can be found under the modifications tab: https://www.speedrun.com/tmuf/games#unofficial=on
Installation guides are located in each sub-games forum: https://www.speedrun.com/tmnr/thread/tbitw
Installation guide:
• Download the folder linked in resources: https://www.speedrun.com/tmnr/resources/vmdzb
• Unpack the .zip folder.
• Save the unpacked "TMN Remake" folder & .gbx file in Documents/TrackMania/Tracks/Campaigns.
The TMN Remake campaign will now be accessable from "Play Solo" below the Star Track campaign.
All of the Kackiest Kacky campaigns from 1 to 7 can be downloaded and installed from this google folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13w9l_ydSnjz-xMYwcgZpA4C6yzhZjsZH?usp=sharing
If you have TrackMania United Forever, you can install Kackiest Kacky 2 as an in-game campaign in the "Play Solo" menu.
• Download the folder linked in resources: https://www.speedrun.com/kk2/resources/rj14b
• Unpack the .zip folder.
• Save the unpacked "Kackiest Kacky 2" folder & .gbx file in Documents/TrackMania/Tracks/Campaigns.
The Kackiest Kacky 2 campaign will now be accessible from "Play Solo" below the Star Track campaign.
If you have TrackMania Nations Forever, you can still play the tracks through "Browse Challenges". Download the trackpack from TMX and save the folder under Documents\TrackMania\Tracks\Challenges\Downloaded. TMX trackpack: https://tmnf.exchange/trackpackshow/8943799
You can set up LiveSplit to automatically start the run and split for each finish, while the timer runs in real time as normal.
Download LiveSplit from the official website: https://livesplit.org/downloads/ Do not save or extract LiveSplit to a folder that require admin permission, like Program Files. Admin permission seems to stop LiveSplit from talking to it's servers, resulting in the auto splitter not activating. I recommend using the My Documents folder instead.
Right click the LiveSplit window and select Edit Splits. Type in Kackiest Kacky 1 as the game name, and then click on Activate
Make sure to set the comparison for the timer and splitter to "Real Time". This can either be done when editing the layout, or by right clicking the LiveSplit window -> Compare Against -> Real Time.
Simple split-files and a layout to use with the splitter can be downloaded here: https://www.speedrun.com/kk1/resources/j1t6p
If you have TrackMania United Forever, you can install Kackiest Kacky 1 as an in-game campaign in the "Play Solo" menu.
• Download the folder linked in resources: https://www.speedrun.com/kk1/resources/7i3zo
• Unpack the .zip folder.
• Save the unpacked "Kackiest Kacky 1" folder & .gbx file in Documents/TrackMania/Tracks/Campaigns.
The Kackiest Kacky 1 campaign will now be accessible from "Play Solo" below the Star Track campaign.
If you have TrackMania Nations Forever, you can still play the tracks through "Browse Challenges". Download the trackpack from TMX and save the folder under Documents\TrackMania\Tracks\Challenges\Downloaded. TMX trackpack: https://tmnf.exchange/trackpackshow/8943783
For individual level runs done on console, we accept video footage of replays that show the time on the results screen and then navigate over to "View Replay" to show the full run. There are some additions to the rule:
The time shown on the score screen is the real time of the run, and the time we will accept on the leaderboard. Due to an inaccurate replay function, all replays will slightly desynchronize and vary from the live run. The slight desync might lead to a missed checkpoint or finish line in the replay. As long as we can see the score screen first, and then the full run is visible in the replay, we will accept replays that fail to trigger a checkpoint or the finish line.
We will not accept times from replays that are faster than the time on the score screen. We will not accept replays that hit checkpoint and finish line triggers that were missed in the live run.
Replays that freeze and fail to show the full run will not be accepted. When playing back a replay, the game will eventually run out of memory and freeze the replay. The amount of time it takes to run out of memory is based on the amount of inputs in a run, and this time will therefore vary from track to track. Most replays will freeze around 50-60 seconds, and it might happen sooner depending on the track.
Tracks that are certain to freeze during the replay and must be recorded live:
- Stadium D4
- Stadium E1
- Stadium F3
- Island D5
- Island F3
- Snow E1
- Snow F3
- Coast D1
- Coast F2
Tracks that are very likely to freeze for beginner players and runs not using shortcuts or world record strategies. Live recording is recommended:
- Stadium F5
- Island E1
- Island F5
- Snow C1
- Snow D5
- Coast E1
- Coast F3
Tracks that might freeze for beginner players:
- Stadium F2
- Island F2
- Snow C3
- Snow C4
- Snow D4
- Coast C4
- Coast F4
From our testing, the replay froze somewhere between 48-59 seconds. The time seems to vary by that much between different tracks and environments, while the freeze timing behaves more consistent on the same track. For example, Island E1 usually stops the replay around 58-59 seconds, while Snow F3 stops around 48-49 seconds.
Explanation for each track:
Stadium D4: WR is ~1m12s. More than +20s on freeze timing. No short-cut found yet.
Stadium E1: WR is ~54s. Few seconds behind freeze timing. TAS short-cut unlikely to be done by a human.
Stadium F3: A perfect run with the shortcut might beat the freeze timing. Without the shortcut it's impossible.
Island D5: The WR is +15s on freeze timing.
Island F3: The WR is +20s on freeze timing.
Snow E1: The WR is just behind the freeze timing at around ~56s. No shortcut found yet.
Snow F3: Replay can freeze at the 50s mark. The WR is 4s behind. No shortcut found yet.
Coast D1: The WR just barely finishes in time. Impossible for players below top-level.
Coast F2: WR is ~20s behind the freeze timing. Shortcuts are very unlikely here.
Stadium F5: WR is ~48s and finishes less than a second before freeze timing. Extremely difficult.
Island E1: Had freezes between 55s - 58s. A clean run on the leaderboard is ~52s. There is space, just not much. Very difficult for beginners.
Island F5: A clean run is around ~44s. There are two difficult jumps (might need respawns) and tight corners. Very difficult for beginners.
Snow C1: WR is around ~42s. Simple multi-lap challenge. Gold medal is in the range of the freeze timing.
Snow D5: A clean run is around ~40s. The sharp steering of the car makes this narrow and speedy track hard to get through without falling off.
Coast E1: Replay freezes around 54s. Possible for beginners but there is not much room for crashing.
Coast F3: WR is a 40s55ms. There are difficult ramps and very narrow sections for 2 laps to manage.
Stadium F2: WR is 40s49ms. Very optimized track. Replay can freeze around the 52s mark.
Island F2: A clean run of 35s50ms is on the leaderboard. Very doable for beginners if they practise the track a bit.
Snow C3: WR is around ~39s. Very speedy. If you don't fly out you should be good. Replay freezes around ~52s.
Snow C4: A clean run without the shortcut is around ~38s. The transition to the wall can be annoying. Not too bad.
Snow D4: WR without the shortcut is around ~42s. Replay freezes at the 50s mark. The track can be crashy towards the end.
Coast C4: Easy multi-lap track. A clean run is around ~44s. You got about 10s of space to work with.
Coast F4: WR is roughly 15s faster than the freeze timing. There are obstacles and low frame rate here and there.
We will not be adding or tracking Individual Level runs here on this leaderboard. You can find all records driven on all 200 tracks here: https://maschell.de/tmt_rankings.php?ver=all&map=1&limit=0&zone=World This site displays every time from the in-game leaderboard of PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
This google sheet covers the top 10 record on each map and includes usernames and videos: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NgkSbAMPm3VcLhXi1Z5oLPQQ8vCjcCSI2S_U_lTOkPA/edit#gid=916167356
This YouTube channel uploads replay renders of all PC World Records: https://www.youtube.com/c/TrackmaniaTurboWorldRecords/videos