Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie3 years ago

As someone who uses multiple keys for the same action depending on circumstance is there a reason to limit it to 2?

se3cret इसे पसंद करता है
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie5 years ago

I agree with Witch in having a legacy category but I will say this as fact everyone with the opinion now won't loyally run without GL tool or maybe even run at all so that category will fall in the dust harder than the JPN leaderboards :)

It's a new age, we want to speedrun and the tops just want some form of consistency rather than wasting the time that some of them may not really have. I feel we don't need to preserve any "loyal to the game ruleset" because we aren't trying to appeal to anyone, we gladly use an SRT without blinking an eye. At the end of the day it's about what will be good for the games longevity competitively, times will get better and resetting a GL will become further and further monotonous and the game will eventually die because people would rather not waste pointless time on something that can easily be resolved for leaderboard sake.

Yandere_Maiden और RebeccaRE इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie5 years ago

People always will want to bring the why not make x RNG tool to counter things like this. We as speedrunners should thrive off tools like GL tool. Not only is it highly practical in the moment it's fantastic for the longevity of the game. No direct skill comes off picking up a GL unlike consistently leaving basement at a good pace. I 100% am for any tools like this because at the end of the day the leaderboards are for competition and we are all wanting to compete on the same playing field where applicable. It's better to move forward with things like GL tool since we have the means rather than sitting in the past wallowing in self pity that we got a magnum.

Symm, Yandere_Maiden और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

Yep Liliya used to do this, it's a comfort thing. It's 100% better for slot 7 and 8.

BashyCake इसे पसंद करता है
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

To make less of a meme post than my first two I believe a filter is definitely the best option. I don't think separating the two is a good idea and if CHN text is allowed (which it should be because Japanese/120FPS was allowed and that's what's faster). Merging into a board with all language filters with even those who want to run EN so if people did want to see the best times in JPN language etc. they can and it still goes along with the fastest known method. It's a strange timing and Capcom always does random shit like this but it should be treated in the same sense of this being a "Current Patch" speedrun.

Edit: Also we are speedrunners, hard efforts never get forgotten and unless you intend on quitting those efforts go beyond and to even furthering the game you love running.

Voxgizer और KittensXO इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

Autosplitter is linked to items so language won't affect that. I'm suggesting the opposite if Chinese is faster than time for some new rekkys boiz

Voxgizer इसे पसंद करता है
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

new WRs from localization POG

BashyCake इसे पसंद करता है
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

That's very interesting, I think a lot of us have collectively known that framerate affects enemies but being able to manipulate it brings up a good point. I think this may possibly be happening from an adaptive half V-sync or something along those lines that kicks in when losing window focus.

Me personally I think doing what is fastest in a speedrun whatever way applicable is excellent and exploiting what we have eg. RE3 using a specific version so music box is U D U U D U instead of random is something speedrunners do by nature. A shaky ground always comes out when it comes to PC versions because sometimes they can span so far from console versions (although I find that argument a bit silly because we use the best for x reasons always).

The other thing I see in this is it won't be faster in any way and instead is more of a consistency basis. So based on my own logic I completely see validity in allowing this but it also brings in a question of fairness. If this is something others can replicate on their own machines then I completely think it should be allowed, exploiting games is what we do as speedrunners and dropping frames is really just another part and most certainly not foreign in other speedgames like Half-life for example dropping to 5 frames for certain things mid gameplay.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents.

NyxAvatar0013 इसे पसंद करता है
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

WAIT WE CAN DISABLE IT :O Time to play REmaster again PogChamp

Voxgizer और BashyCake इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

Categories like this belong as challenges to the player rather than requiring any sort of leaderboard. It's extra that's not necessary and doesn't look like it has much interest.

Voxgizer, silentkaster और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie6 years ago

I run the game, don't submit times because of memes like this. If we add this category can I also please have neme magnum english% tyvm

SmashF13ND, Voxgizer और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Queensland, AustraliaDJNattie7 years ago

Splendid, always great to have another runner in the community!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us, always willing to help.

BashyCake और Voxgizer इसे पसंद करें
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