धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown1 year ago

@iamspecious Hello! The Elemental Encoder is banned, which means you can't use it and have to unequip it during a menu.

iamspecious इसे पसंद करता है
GreeceCrystalCrown2 years ago

Modding Mega-Elixirs is fine! As long as the gameplay is the same you can mod any item that would be in the main game (except for removing keyblades for example to make menuig faster/shorter)

YuaiSnek इसे पसंद करता है
GreeceCrystalCrown3 years ago

@JHobz Yes I forgot to delete those WHOOPS

GreeceCrystalCrown3 years ago

@420Chef There was a Category shift, but now it should be back to normal. If you look on the Main Leaderboards for 2FM you'll see Base Game (No Mods) and Gummi Skip Mod (basically having the Gummi Skip to Skip Gummi Missions during the run and Credit Skip for longer Categories like Gold Crown).

So it's up to you honestly if you prefer having breaks then I'd go with Gummi Missions, if you don't mind it then go with Gummi skips. Saves around 20+ minutes.

A Run would be qualified when the VOD has met the requirements of the respective category you run (check rules for each Category). Please submit a highlighted VOD from Twitch that starts like 30-1min before the actual run starts (helps us moderators) Also highlighted VOD's don't get deleted by Twitch after a certain amount of time!

420Chef इसे पसंद करता है
GreeceCrystalCrown4 years ago

@HooverHoover Define 'blind'. Doing the run blindfolded or just doing a run without knowledge and practice? The answer is no for both.

धागा: Kingdom Hearts II
GreeceCrystalCrown4 years ago

@END_XxpowerhousexX6 In most cases loads are way faster on Emulator compared to a PS2 console, so it would be unfair to say the least. You can still start running the game on Emulator (that's what I did) to learn the route and the game. Save states are great for practicing a fight over and over again. Consoles are just more stable and the prefered choice to run the game and for submissions in general, for main titles that is. There are some handheld games where the Emulator is allowed.

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown4 years ago

@NeoChozo you can message him on Twitter or Discord I'm pretty sure that he got the informations under his profile here. Just click on his name and you should find it!

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown4 years ago

@NeoChozo shoot a message to @Denhonator he can assist you for sure

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@PlayPod If you really want to run the DLC we can make it easier for you and re-time your run with a Load Remover :)

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@Timmiluvs I don't know who he is and I've never seen him anywhere. He is stating that it will ruin the speedrun which will not be the case. Many games like Horizon Zero Dawn work with a Load Remover and I never saw any issues. I don't like his approach either after Desa reasonably explained the reasons as of why we choose these rules. He should have criticized differently. Also setting up the Load Remover is not complex at all.

Bringing up 'Pay to win' as an opinion is perfectly valid for any game if there are differences between speedrun games. When he questions as of why we have this ruling, I think it's fair to bring up the 'Pay to win' so he understands. Like Desa said it's not our problem if somebody doesn't want to deal with this kind of stuff, same as other people were telling us 'It's not our problem if you don't have a pro'.

Also I was hostile and I want to apologize. I just got triggered when he said 'I dont care what the polls say'. My bad

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@PlayPod I haven't seen you anywhere in the community so let me ask you one thing. Why should we care about what you say? If you want to have a say join the community, do some KH runs and vote on the polls before you start talking. If the majority of people/runners of the game are happy with the decisions then we mods are obligated to make the rules that way. Also, do your research about console differences and how the speedrun is timed. Load remover is the most fair way and people don't need to spend 400$+ just to compete for top times

OpalLua इसे पसंद करता है
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@Hartless Hello Hartless! If enough people get interest to do such a run in the future we would gladly make it a category. We have this 3-runner rule which means if 3 different runners present such a speedrun it makes the cut. Personally I like collectable categories and I think it's a cool idea and it wouldn't only be for Lv1. It would be for all difficulties for sure.

Hartless, gamebrain, और K-Hyped इसे पसंद करें
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@Timmiluvs You're absolutely right! I wanted to do that but I guess I just bypassed that on the main Leaderboards. Gonna look into that for sure! Probably gonna put everything to PS4, Beginner default cause PS4 is the newest generation and Beginner is the easiest choice. Thanks!

GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

Hello everyone!

We've readjusted the 2FM Leaderboards like we said we would. Looks simple and clean https://www.speedrun.com/kh2fm

We've also revived the Category Extension boards by adding the new categories https://www.speedrun.com/kh2ce

Any feedback on its presentation would be great.

gamebrain इसे पसंद करता है
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

Hello everyone!

We have been considering the LB layouts with the addition of the new categories and we added them to the main page ONLY for the meantime. We have come up with a new LB layout that we all think will make the Main/Misc./ CE page look clean and easily digestible.

Main Board - Any% | All Worlds | Gold Crown | JJ Misc. - Every category that doesn't start on the title screen CE - everything else that starts on the title screen. (All ASS/Most Worlds/Silver Crown/All Puzzles/All Super Bosses/Plat)

Having the main board holding the defining categories of 2FM will allow for new runners to see popular & fun categories that the game is known for.

Having misc. hold categories that start from a save point show runners unique categories that stand out vs categories that start on the main screen.

Having CE hold everything else will revive the CE page and allows the main page to look neat and proper. The definition we're going by to put these categories in CE, is the fact they are either slightly extended or slightly shortened from the big 4 on the main page.

Most worlds = slightly shortened all worlds Plat% = slightly extended JJ

We also wish to remove 100% from the leaderboards due to the fact that it has not been ran. it was moved to misc. and has been left there ever since. We don't see the point of having it on the boards, due to it's history (or lack of) and because JJ is a more fitting '100%'

We are welcoming any ideas and/or changes you would like to see. We want the LBs to be as clean and as professional as possible, so any constructive input will be valued.

  • KH2 Mod Team
InsertLogic, CapitanBublo, और Etchy इसे पसंद करें
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

Hello everyone!

The KH2 mod team is delighted to announce that we added new Categories that people found interest over the summer on the Leaderboards. The new Categories are:

All ASS (Absent Silhouettes + Sephiroth) All Puzzles ASB (All Super Bosses) Most Worlds Underdrome RTA

If anybody has questions feel free to ask us through personal messages or here. Our DM's are always open for discussions

(Note that these categories might stay to the main tab or get moved to the Misc. tab/KH Category Extension)

jonsku1, Retroid99 और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

Adding NG+:

Most of you probably already saw this, but we added Critical Mode as a difficulty on the boards. We also added NG+ for Any% and Level 1 Any%. Currently we are unsure if we should add NG+ for other Categories (Ex. All Lucky Emblems). Let us know if you would like to add NG+ to other Categories.

Battle Gates RTA:

Since many people have requested us to add a 'Battle Gates RTA' Category on the boards, we will add it as soon as people give us feedback about the rules down below.

Rules: -Timing start on pressing Yes on Entering first portal -Timing end on last hit in Final Portal -No Stat Boosts (except for AP Boosts) are allowed -No Cuisines are allowed -Must show stats and equipment after the run -Timing is RTA -Must Show difficulty

These are the rules that we and other people in the community came up with. The reason why we would not allow Stat Boosts and Cuisines, is because on Lv99 you literally one shot everything if you maximize your stats, and we think that it wouldn't be fun at all (for Lv1 Cuisines it's debatable so let us know what you think) As for the Difficulties and Levels, Battle Gates RTA will be Lv1 and Lv99 on all difficulties.

-Oh_Snap -Wyattw8 -CrystalCrown13

jonsku1, JordanTheDarkness और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@RioPeace I can see Core being faster with Final Form with the Glide mechanic. As for Xigbar/Saix it has been proven that on Xigbar it's the same speed if not slower, and for Saix it is slower definitely. Current strats is for sure the way to go. I can see maybe saving 2 Ethers on Saix but that's about it so I don't know.

GreeceCrystalCrown5 years ago

@RioPeave Where in end game do you need Final Form if I may ask? Also with end game being TWTNW + Final Fights.

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