धागा: Rygar (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

I've had runs with the clip get approved, so I think that this trick is officially allowed in the no WW category.

धागा: Rygar (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

Awesome! Thank you for sharing!

धागा: Rygar (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

Wow! Nice find! IMO I don't think this is a wrong warp. Any special trick to getting off the grapple?

धागा: The Site
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

Hello, I'm requesting to be added to the Labyrinth (Famicom) leaderboard at https://www.speedrun.com/labyrinthfc. The current mod hasn't logged in to the site for 1 month. I tried contacting the current mod via social media links supplied but they are no longer valid. I have a run pending verification. Thank you for your consideration.

Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

I'm up for more categories. I'm not sure I'd be up for running anything longer than the 1M in assets, but that's just me. I do like the idea of a category that would get us away from strawberries, but I'm not sure what that would be.

I think it might be best to shy away from too many categories at this point since there are very few runners, but a couple more wouldn't hurt!

Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

I did some digging in to the warp jumps and what I found might not be encouraging. I found the memory address that controls whether or not the warp jump is successful. Unfortunately, the value changes seemingly randomly. 48 of the 256 (18.75%) possible values generate a successful warp jump. Here is a link to the notes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r3d84zHD88PqOEZoCyuZj2gwDiaOwFAl9gMXOktQTIA/edit?usp=sharing

Amune138 इसे पसंद करता है
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

Rules seem perfect as you've written them to me. :)

Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

Hello! I'd like to propose that we create a category where one would race to achieving 1 million dollars in total assets according to the balance sheet. Total assets includes cash, equipment and land which means you don't have to liquidate to achieve a cash only category goal. I think this will be a good compromise between length of run and completeness of game exploration. Let me know what you think! :)

junkyard_dave इसे पसंद करता है
Washington, USACritRocket5 years ago

I love this idea! I played this game a bunch as a kid. I'm definitely going to try a run of this.

Having said that....I think we need one more thing in the "banned" portion of the rules.... If you start your farm with a portion of it being water (part of the river or lake), then you can turn around and sell that portion of land for inflated prices. It's easy to sell 3 parcels of land and end up with over 100k right at the beginning of the game, which is more than enough to get the 200 pigs.

TL:DR I think selling land should be banned.

Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

Hey Stormcrow! I assume you're talking about the cutscenes at the beginning of some levels. Here is how I do it... While in the area that would normally trigger the cutscene: 1)jump forward and hold down (duck) 2)While holding down, pause the game 3)let go of all other inputs except jump 4)un-pause the game to jump again 5)go back to step 1

I hope that helps! I also hope I've remembered it correctly :)

WolfMerrik इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Bionic Commando (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

MetroidMcFly explained this to me on his stream. It was way easier than I thought from watching it done. I’ll outline it here for anyone finding this in the future.

  1. enter the hallway room and head to the left door (kill the enemy to get through)
  2. stand in the doorway facing right
  3. grapple to the upper right and press up just as the grapple attaches
  4. if done correctly, you’ll hear the “enter door”sound clip
  5. leave the hallway through the right door

My biggest issue with figuring it out on my own was the sound cue...I don’t typically have sound very loud, but it’s necessary in this case. Happy warping!

Automat1cJack इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Bionic Commando (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

I've just realized that there is already an excellent picture guide by Koston for the 100% route. I wish I would have found that first! Perhaps my document can serve as a supplement to Koston's guide.

धागा: Bionic Commando (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

Does anyone have a guide or advice on how to execute the area 8 wrong warp? Thanks!

धागा: Bionic Commando (NES)
Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

Hello, I took a look at MetroidMcFly's 100% run and made an outline document if anyone is interested.

Please let me know if there are any inaccuracies...its hard to catch all the item swaps with that menuing speed :P


paku इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros. 2
Washington, USACritRocket6 years ago

This could be the same glitch as the veggie glitch...just with a mob instead of a veggie.

CritRocket के बारे में
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