Can there be a Category for Team RWBY and Team JNPR skill-less. I did a run where I played whole team RWBY skill-less in 1 go and I would like to submit it
What I would suggest is instead of making a screenshot, holding the capture button to make a recording of the last 30 second. By doing this, we can compare it to other peoples runs if we think it is copied. And it is the same as doing a screenshot, so it is no extra effort
That could work, but then you can still copy the screenshot of someone else. It is a better proof than the overworld scorebord ofcourse. It still becomes a matter of trust that somebody doesn't literally copies a picture that somebody else made. But I think choosing between the result screen and the overworld screen, I say that the result screen is more trustable
With the switch being vulnerable for hacks, and save data editor who can change the time of the level (in how many seconds you completed them), I want to suggest that only recorded level runs are valid at this point, instead of that you only need video proof if you claim to be number 1