धागा: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 days ago

I would add it right now but I'm just a verifier, not a mod. (and I haven't even done that job in 2 months.)

thezawbbrambler इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat1 month ago

Yes, many runners, including myself, run on the Wii U version.

धागा: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 months ago

I think this hasn't been put on yet because no one wants to deal with fish rng lol

दौड़: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 months ago

Holding shift skips dialogue faster.

Burbeyyst इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 months ago

Fixed now

दौड़: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 months ago

Do you know the specific date this run was performed? If you do I can change it to that date so that it doesn't say that this run was performed after Demo 2 was already released.

दौड़: Block Tales
Tennessee, USACerealCat4 months ago

Lol, all good. I was wondering why I got another email.

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat9 months ago

Emulators used to be allowed whenever I first started running, but they have since been banned. Hopefully they create an emulator only category, or maybe allow them on the main board but default to hide them?

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

Hm, that's an interesting question. If starting on a save with the tutorial completed is a valid way to start the run, most people should start doing that as it saves a lot of time.

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

I used to run on emulator before they were banned and I didn't have any emulation issues, even on an integrated graphics laptop. I guess the loading times would still be an issue though since it'd fluctuate so much between systems.

ArloLinn इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

Hmm, interesting idea. I don't know whether or not it would get accepted as its own category, there probably wouldn't be a lot of runners since people probably wouldn't want to go through the hassle of setting up a camera to capture their body, it's a fun idea nonetheless though. :)

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

Could you describe the category, please? (I'm not a moderator btw)

Llaird236 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

I never deleted it, I just didn't know that it had to be verified by the mods again if you updated the description so I thought I might've deleted it.

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

I edited the text in the description of one of my runs and it just disappeared for some reason. I was half-asleep so maybe I hit delete or something? Either way, I hope it gets back up.

दौड़: Granny 3 (PC)
Tennessee, USACerealCat2 years ago

Wow! What an incredible run!

धागा: chick chick BOOM
Tennessee, USACerealCat3 years ago

Hello! This is the speedrunning page for chick chick BOOM for WiiWare. I really hope you consider running the game because it's a really interesting speed game! :)

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat3 years ago

That's a question for the mods, but they've been inactive for a bit. Still waiting for my any% run to get verified, try to guess what place it is.

धागा: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Tennessee, USACerealCat3 years ago

Get a Wii U, or find a copy of the game XD

CerealCat के बारे में
Socially awkward internet person. Current PFP by Digit_Luck https://twitter.com/digit_luck
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