Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart5 months ago

The tournament is being rescheduled due to lack of interest. If you would be interested in playing on any particular weekend, join our Discord and give your input!

Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart5 months ago

I am helping put together a speedrun tournament for this game during this month. The event will play out live on https://www.twitch.tv/puzzlespeedrun on Saturday the 20th starting at 2pm EST and will finish within a few hours. If you're interested in playing along, join the League of Puzzle Speedrunners Discord server! https://tinyurl.com/LeagueofPuzzleSpeedrunners

Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart8 months ago

Is there a new route at World Champ Charlie Gale? GCAH's notes say to set with a Med Kit, not a level 1. Could that have thrown off Yugi? I admit I haven't kept up with the RNG research.

धागा: Panel de Pon
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart9 months ago

One more note to close out this thread: I am absolutely against giving emulator players advantages over console players. This requires a standard for controller setups that can be comparable with officially licensed console hardware. Someone who claims “I have a set-up to use my drawing tablet to play on Emulator, Which means i don't have to worry about human limit on pressing a button for curser movement” seeks to violate that standard. Personally, I would disqualify people for that reason alone. I would also welcome having that conversation when it comes to keyboard controls if anyone cares to put that in its own forum thread. (The series page has a forum section, but I may have found the one singular purpose for it.)

That said, the community has spoken. The Endless 99,999 points Hard run by Raidabel0w does not conform to the standards of a human-played run. The 99,999 points Easy run by Rika_Furude has the same problems. For these multiple offenses, the following Endless runs have been removed from the leaderboards effective immediately:

30,000 points Easy in 1:59 by Rika_Furude (this video was gone, anyway)

30,000 points Normal in 1:21 by Rika_Furude

30,000 points Normal in 2:28 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

30,000 points Normal in 3:06 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

30,000 points Hard in 1:24 by Rika_Furude

30,000 points Hard in 5:39 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

30,000 points Hard in 7:24 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

99,999 points Easy in 3:48 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Easy in 5:42 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Normal in 5:56 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Normal in 8:49 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Normal in 9:31 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Normal in 10:23 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

99,999 points Hard in 2:55 by Raidabel0w

99,999 points Hard in 7:04 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Hard in 10:57 by Rika_Furude

99,999 points Hard in 22:38 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

99,999 points Hard in 27:29 by Rika_Furude (video gone)

Also effective immediately, Priere's future run submissions will not be considered without demonstrating that their runs are being done legitimately without tool assistance on control setups that can be comparable with original hardware. Priere is encouraged to make another forum thread when they wish to present visual evidence to the legitimacy of their play.

Thank you to everyone who is looking out to make sure that everyone is playing fair. Happy puzzling!

dugtrio100, Shosoul और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Panel de Pon
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart9 months ago

I had not done the frame-by-frame analysis because I did not feel it necessary, but I have been reminded that, based on the provided input display, a large majority of the buttons are being pressed for 1-2 frames and almost never more than 4 frames at a time (30 fps recording of a 60 fps game does not allow for more precision in observation than this). This is north of 15 hertz of button presses, which will need to be seen to be believed.

The same cannot be said about their max score Normal run from eight months prior that z2600 highlighted before.

I wanted to make sure that this point was out there in the event that we do need to revisit this person's play. It seems like no one else is opposed to removing all of this person's runs at this time.

Razorflame और z2600 इसे पसंद करें
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart9 months ago

The 1P Stadium registration period has been extended. You can now sign up through September 3 at start.gg!

धागा: Panel de Pon
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart9 months ago

Since they are not part of the community Discord, I have had to create this thread and message them here to give them that opportunity.

Razorflame इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Panel de Pon
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart10 months ago

#3: Timestamp at 0:10. The user is messing around with DAS [delayed auto-shift] during the countdown instead of positioning their cursor in an advantageous position. [As someone who has traditionally relied on DAS, even I will admit that DAS is not particularly useful for side-to-side movement, but can be for the up-and-down movement that is being mostly demonstrated here.]

#4: Timestamp at 0:13. The user does not hold down the raise button, but instead presses the button for one frame every time the stack raises one layer. This occurs every instance the stack is raised, and sometimes even alternates between the left and right bumper. Additionally, the cursor remains in place in the corner instead of positioning itself to where it can access more of the stack (such as the center) ahead of time while the stack raises.

[This is built on more with the next point, but I will agree that this is not the typical way to play. Most runners I have been around--and I have been speedrunning this series of games since 2013 and seen a lot of people come through this community--will hold one bumper to raise the stack and place their cursor in a spot that they want to start swapping when they finish raising. Another point I will add here is that most top players will generally raise their stack while flattening it to a level state because you need to get the maximum panels on screen to maximize your chain as fast as possible. This user does not ever do this for the duration of the run. For an example of the typical runner experience with Endless, check out our community's most recent Endless speedrun tournament for Tetris Attack, a functionally similar game:]

#5: Timestamp at 0:15. Cursor speed is outrageously fast and smooth throughout the entire video. Throughout the chain, the cursor temporarily pauses at times instead of immediately moving to position itself for the next chain. [It is hard to believe that the cursor speed can be this fast, yet the mistakes made here can co-exist in the same performance. I certainly have known people that have issues controlling their speed.]

#6: Timestamp at 0:31. User deliberately puts in mistakes in what appears to be an attempt to show that the run is not "perfect." [A better example, in my opinion, would be at 1:33 where the user goes on to make a x15 chain despite the x? chain links scoring zero points. To have the 20,000+ attempts as indicated on their timer and the demonstrated cursor speed and either not know that x? chains score zero points or demonstrate that knowledge by stopping prior chains at x13 and continue the chain anyway does not make sense to me.]

#7: These are prolific throughout the entire run. Cursor speed is extremely fast and does not follow normal human runs.

[I was not the one who verified these speedruns. I saw the run in question for the first time last night and physically cringed at how robotic it looked. Community speedrun races were happening at the time in our Discord server and other runners were expressing similar concerns, one going so far as to ask outright if it was not a TAS.]

That is all for the accuser's expressly stated points. Upon further investigation, I was directed to runs by this user actually declared to be TASes:

These are done on the community PvP engine called Panel Attack. It has its own Endless leaderboard here: https://www.speedrun.com/panel_attack

Anyone else see similarities with the RTA runs? Don't look too closely at the cursor speed. EX Mode is an even bigger challenge than Panel de Pon can ever give and demands even more from the player. I see the same clean lack of stack raising while stack flattening. I still see some tapping of the raise button. I am trying to play devil's advocate as much as I can with the allegations, but all of Rika/Raida's runs I can see have the same issues.

I am inclined to remove all of Rika/Raida's speedruns and permanently ban this user from submitting any more runs to our leaderboards due to the prevalence of these claimed RTA runs appearing to be TASes, but this is not a decision that I can come to unilaterally. I am open to hearing why these runs are actually valid RTA runs or why I should not remove all of Rika_Furude's / Raidabel0w's runs from this leaderboard until the end of this month. We will figure out how to proceed if a valid justification for these runs being legitimate exists. If no one comes forward with good enough reasoning, Raidabel0w will be banned from submitting to all leaderboards in the Puzzle League series going forward.

Please post your thoughts in this thread.

z2600 और Razorflame इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Panel de Pon
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart10 months ago

It has been brought to the mod team's attention that a recent run submitted to this board has been alleged to be a TAS, a tool-assisted superplay, passed off as a legitimately human-performed RTA run. The evidence that has been presented by the accuser will be shown here for your review. They are free to put their name on their comments in this thread if they wish. Additional evidence has been gathered upon further investigation of the matter. My editorial responses to these points will be presented in [brackets].

The run being questioned is the current Endless, 99,999 points Hard record by Raidabel0w: https://www.speedrun.com/panel_de_pon/runs/y86gk9nm.

Point #1: This is the account's only submitted speedrun to this website. [It is not the user's only submitted speedrun to this website. Previous runs to this leaderboard have been submitted under the name Rika_Furude, an account that has since been deleted--see the first place 99,999 points Easy run: https://www.speedrun.com/panel_de_pon/runs/ylne2rxz. Generally, a world record run should be under a greater degree of scrutiny than most other runs. They reflect on the community as a whole. I did not verify this run so I am not aware of the amount of scrutiny that it went through during verification.]

[Here, the names Prierè Tsumerai Ame, Rika_Furude, and Shippai all intersect with each other. Remember these names for later points.]

#2: Timestamp at 0:10. The HI-SCORE is 2000. Prior runs from this user have shown that they soft reset, showing a high score of 99999. See this run: https://www.speedrun.com/panel_de_pon/runs/mkv2o21yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88nvYi4z3Uk?t=9

They either were hard resetting, or this was their first attempt from boot. [You must game over after power on to change the HI-SCORE. If you pause and quit, your HI-SCORE does not update. If you reset before game over, your HI-SCORE does not update. One could quit the run if they know that it will not beat their best time before it finishes. Resetting between attempts would be tedious, but not unheard of. I often do this for a better presenting final video, but not always with Endless.]

Due to SRC thread limits, the content will continue in the next post.

Razorflame इसे पसंद करता है
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart10 months ago


If you're not already a part of our Discord server and want to test your skills against the community, signups for our 2023 tournament are open the rest of this month! With 1P Stadium, Marathon, and Spa Service tournaments, there are multiple ways to win. Everyone that joins is guaranteed to enter a raffle for a piece of our crowdfunded prize pool!

You must be a part of the Discord server to coordinate matches with the other players. Join us here: https://discord.gg/invite/0ZHoUXwTddfKwz1t

धागा: Sort the Court!
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart1 year ago

This was not expressly stated in the rules before today, but it is usually understood in the speedrunning community that you need a video to demonstrate that you actually did what you claimed to do. In fact, this very site's Twitter once Tweeted "no vid, no did."

Submissions have been previously rejected for having no video available and will continue to be rejected going forward, but now the rule can be seen on the Main Rules.

Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart1 year ago


The 2022 Pokémon Puzzle League Speedrun Tournament is OPEN! There is a 1P Stadium tournament open to sign up for all this month as well as Marathon and Spa Service tournaments you can sign up for until they begin in October. Prizes are available for all of the tournaments.

Happy puzzling!

धागा: Wario's Woods (SNES)
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago

The League of Puzzle Speedrunners is having their first minor tournament next month. It's a VS COM tournament!

The tournament will be held for one day only on July 16. To join and get the full rules, go to the League of Puzzle Speedrunners Discord: https://tinyurl.com/LeagueofPuzzleSpeedrunners

धागा: Tetris Attack
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago

If you're submitting runs for the tournament and you decide to enter, don't forget to sign up on the tournament page!

gamerX459 और Razorflame इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Tetris Attack
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago

The 2022 speedrun tournament signups are now OPEN! Signups will be open all month long. Matches start March 12!


Razorflame और BambooShadow इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Sort the Court!
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago

I love short categories. I hate arbitrary categories. I don't see any significance to the 1000 gold benchmark within the game. I tend to let game content dictate categories, not other people.

That said, if you want a short category:

Everybody left :(

Get to zero population as fast as possible. That's it.

If anyone is curious enough, you should make sure that you can get to zero population after reaching the council of crowns. I'll make that a thing, too.

Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago

It was discovered in the GDQ Hotfix tonight that the glitch to skip straight to the World Championship Final does NOT work on the European version. If you want to finish in a timely fashion, use the American version.

cheekychunk इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Tournaments and Races
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago


Sign up on Challonge, record a run, and submit it to the leaderboard (https://www.speedrun.com/pokemon_puzzle_league) this month to enter. Players and staff requested. If you enjoy Puzzle League / Panel de Pon games, please join us!

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart2 years ago


Sign up on Challonge, do a run, and submit it during this month to qualify for the tournament. Join us!

धागा: Sort the Court!
Missouri, USACardsOfTheHeart3 years ago

Seeing as how the game doesn't actually start until you select whether you are a king or queen (existing saves do not get overwritten until you do so, either), it does not make sense to include it in the timing of the run. Therefore, the rule has been changed to start the timing of the run when you select King or Queen. All existing best runs with video have been adjusted accordingly.

CardsOfTheHeart के बारे में
सामिल हुए
9 years ago
3 days ago
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