Ladies and Gentlemen, we are announcing that the first ADGAC Tournament will take place on June 8th, 2024, 11:00 AM EST. The tournament will have eight teams of two competing for the fastest combined time.
Happy Climbing!
Congradulations on the first sub 4! Truly a great moment in adgac history!
@Hachimen believed me, we tried over and over again to convince him to hand over leadership once he wasn't smod. He was just power-hungry and too blind to let the server leave his possession, resulting in him nuking the server
The state of the discord is very sad, its so painful watching a community get raided by people who don't even run the game and get unnecessary permissions and roles. Plz spread this
@kekprod if they are going to become catagory extensions, I reckon custom splits would be made for each map that does become an extension.