This game has a Discord speedrun server right? None of the Hexen games seem to have it linked here.
I've been following the speedrun of this game for several years. I do sometimes check every now and then if there is a new strat or new runners on the leaderboard just to see if the any% category has changed at all.
But today, as I am writing this, it just dawned on me that there isn't a Discord link on this page, so the question is: Does this game even have one?
I was running this version of the game recently when all of a sudden I got stuck in the door. What's strange about this, is that I floated upwards slowly without my control and I couldn't get out of this state at all.
I did manage to replicate it but I don't know what condition are needed for this to happen. I guess you need to jump in a specific way as the game is loading? I need more eyes on this glitch so we can figure out if this does have any use.
I'll update this post if I find something new with it.
The previous mod has deleted their account and as such I had to request to become a mod myself.
In doing so I decided to split real hardware and emulator 2 categories.
The reason why I did this is because I found out that the game loads faster on real hardware then on emulator.
It also seems that the Japanese version loads faster than the Euro version.
I am aware that this game has only like 5 runners, so I understand why this may seems confusing so if you disagree with this decision then speak up! I would like to hear what you all think.
Hey, out of curiosity is there a Discord server for this game? If there isn't I am willing to make one.
Me and a few others were challenged by a guy called "Osukarui" to speedrun this game in a event of shorts. We also did some races. In this event I experimented with the mechanics and found a way to clip through walls. It turns out, that in Mission 18 the teleporter to the end of the level was just on the other side of wall very early in the level, resulting in a quite a time save.
Mission 18 skip:
I also found a small skip in mission 3: