धागा: Road Redemption
Note: Doesn't work on Campaign+, you have to actually win the race there.
Emran_Ahmed इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Road Redemption
Provided the stuff wasn't fixed by updates (haven't really tried them again): https://steamcommunity.com/app/300380/discussions/0/1488861734119247744/
धागा: Road Redemption
Wii U is not a platform you can play the game on. Switch, on the other hand is :P
धागा: Road Redemption
Info on why posted here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/300380/discussions/0/1488861734119247744/
Edit: Actually at a second thought, that would make speedruns far too short and near effortless to do maybe. But, up to you to decide.
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