if you get back to your run immediately then you are fine
Yes, Fabric is allow (with the list of allowed mods here: https://mods.tildejustin.dev/ ; remember not to use fabric api). For Prism Launcher, idk but stick to the official launcher or MultiMC if you can.
You are not allowed to use those alt launchers you've mentioned above. However, there are many mods that can help with your performance issue (here: https://mods.tildejustin.dev/)
"graphics screen"? You mean the piechart right? You are not allowed to bind key combinations to a single key
You are allowed to use the built-in vanilla resource pack as well as the built-in programmer art resource pack in versions that have it built into the game. In addition, you are allowed to use resource packs for accessibility reasons - colorblindness, sensory issues, etc... If you want to be safe, just use the vanilla resource pack
Its normal, verifiers sometimes can take months to verify your runs
Check this wiki page: https://github.com/RedLime/SpeedRunIGT/wiki/How-to-make-custom-category-by-JSON-format-file
You can also check SpeedrunIGT options > Timer category to see if the item you wanted already been there
haha whats that funny words you are saying
The old one is broken, use this: https://fsg.duncanruns.xyz/
Btw I would recommend using the fsg mod instead because its faster: https://github.com/DuncanRuns/FSG-Mod/releases/
read the resources pack rules (scroll down): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A7NtP7LegD7SYjho54gQDSlJkYZlofndjw2COu00yMU/edit
use Redlime's SpeedrunIGT (use like a mod): https://github.com/RedLime/SpeedRunIGT