Tasmania, AustraliaASTRAIOS1 year ago

Competition This year's March Madness is not just about playing fast, but about playing well! Every 7 days will be a different category, and your job is to play the highest score you can, then to submit the video using the instructions below! There will be prizes for the top 3 spots, so competition could get fierce! Even if you don't think you can get top 3, what's to lose? Give it a shot and you might just land a top spot!

Schedule All dates are for UTC and within the month of March Easy | 1st - 7th Expert | 8th - 14th 2 Suit (Random) | 15th - 21st 4 Suit (Random) | 22nd - 28th Bonus Category | 29th - 30th Awards | 31st

Points Competitors will be ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. for each category based on score. 1st will get 5 points, 2nd will get 4, 3rd will get 3, 4th will get 2, and all others will get 1 point. Once all runs from a given 7 day period have been verified and listed, points will be calculated and leaderboards updated.


  • Run must be played and submitted within the 7 day time frame for the relevant category
  • Run must be done on original Windows Spider Solitaire or Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
  • In Solitaire collection, time is based on in-game timer.
  • Otherwise, time is based on real time from the moment of clicking first card to end screen.
  • Option "one click to move" must not be enabled.
  • Hints are forbidden.
  • Pausing is forbidden.
  • Video proof of the run is required.
  • ASTRAIOS Cannot participate

Submissions 1). Upload recorded run to a video/file sharing site such as YouTube or Google Drive. Make sure that it is either unlisted or public. 2). Submit the run using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/YmDFu5wMgKPrSrWK7. 3). The Run will be verified and time will be recorded. Please try not to submit too many runs in each 7 day period, as I am working on a limited time frame to get this done! Even so, I'd rather get too many than too few!

With that all being said, good luck, and godspeed!

Tasmania, AustraliaASTRAIOS2 years ago

Competition March Madness is all about speed! Every 4 days will be a different category, and your job is to play that category as fast as you can, then to submit the video using the instructions below! There will be prizes for the top 3 spots, so competition could get fierce! Even if you don't think you can get top 3, what's to lose? Give it a shot and you might just land a top spot!

Schedule All dates are for UTC and within the month of March Easy | 1st - 4th Medium | 5th - 8th Hard | 9th - 12th Expert | 13th - 16th 1 Suit (Random) | 17th - 20th 2 Suit (Random) | 21st - 24th 4 Suit (Random) | 25th - 28th Bonus Category | 29th - 30th Awards | 31st

Points Competitors will be ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. for each category based on time. Points will be assigned logarithmically, meaning that the difference between 1st and 2nd will be greater than that of 15th and 16th. Once all runs from a given 4 day period have been verified and listed, points will be calculated and leaderboards updated.


  • Run must be played and submitted within the 4 day time frame for the relevant category
  • Run must be done on original Windows Spider Solitaire or Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
  • In Solitaire collection, time is based on in-game timer.
  • Otherwise, time is based on real time from the moment of clicking first card to end screen.
  • Option "one click to move" must not be enabled.
  • Hints are forbidden.
  • Pausing is forbidden.
  • Video proof of the run is required.
  • ASTRAIOS Cannot participate

Submissions 1). Upload recorded run to a video/file sharing site such as YouTube or Google Drive. Make sure that it is either unlisted or public. 2). Submit the run using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/y3Tuku75hCva6Nvz6 3). The Run will be verified and time will be recorded. Please try not to submit too many runs in each 4 day period, as I am working on a limited time frame to get this done!

With that all being said, good luck, and godspeed!

zeekeenee इसे पसंद करता है
Tasmania, AustraliaASTRAIOS2 years ago

In the rules it states that runs must be submitted using RTA, starting when 'New Game' is pressed and ending when the Fireworks appear. On Microsoft Solitaire collection I have taken this to mean it starts on the frame that the pile appears in the bottom right an ends on the frame that the box appears.

I understand from previous threads and a conversation over Discord that the moderators do not have time to go through all of the runs currently on the leaderboard and retime them to use Framecounted RTA. If this rule isn't able to be enforced then would it be worth changing the rules to go off of IGT like most do anyway?

pro_radii इसे पसंद करता है
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