Machine Gun Cheat
4 years ago

Looks like the 2nd place Tournament - Medium (Thumper) in 29m 24s by z0d420 is using strong machine gun cheat (indicated by white bullets) you can see normal colored bullets from the enemies, is this allowed?

Pianoman7117 इसे पसंद करता है
Massachusetts, USA

Pretty sure this is not allowed and can confirm, he's using the strong machine gun cheat, this should definitely be looked into

Connecticut, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

That video has the brightness turned up extremely high. It effected the colors and textures overall throughout the run; Antarctica in particular has almost unseeable textures on the stage. I think the machine gun fire color changed with the rest of the picture in the video. That being said, did you happen to notice if the machine gun lowered an opponent's health abnormally fast at any time in the run? That might be evidence that the cheat was used.

Massachusetts, USA

It has absolutely nothing to do with the brightness, not only are the bullets white, but they are triangular shaped. It's very obvious.

New York, USA

Can you show us pictures or video of the two different machine guns side-by-side?

Edit: For clarity's sake, using that machine gun cheat would not be allowed in any category other than All Cheats, so if it turns out this run used the cheat, we'll have to reject it.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
New York, USA

As it stands now, you guys have convinced me via this evidence that z0d420 used the machine gun cheat. That being said though, it'd be irresponsible of me to act on it without discussing it with the other game mods; team effort and whatnot. I'll bring it up in the Twisted Metal discord server that we're all in and see what they think. You're all invited to participate in that discussion if you like. I'll put a link to the server on the left panel.

Edit: Via a unanimous vote among the four game mods, the decision was made to reject z0d420's two runs in the Tournament - Medium category based on the evidence provided. To those who contributed to this discussion, thank you for helping to keep the board clean and pure. Everyone here appreciates you. If you notice any other potential problems, don't hesitate to bring them to our attention.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
JayTheIdiot और Pianoman7117 इसे पसंद करें

Thanks Crisco and Piano

JayTheIdiot और Pianoman7117 इसे पसंद करें
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