पोस्ट किया गया 2 years ago से

I am back as a Moderator hopefully we

अधिक पढ़ें
पोस्ट किया गया 2 years ago से

Again as for Spin! game, there are inconsistencies for Timing. In this text, "Circle" means the circle around the player. The main rule is that we calculate time from the frame that comes after the Circle starts to disappear/fade away, but there are 3 problems First, ive seen the circle disappear too quickly on 60 frames, which suggest in-game lag or recording lag on which we dont have control Second, runs with 45 30 29 25 and 21 FPS are going to be unbalanced in the timing. The most popular frame rate is 30 and it is very easy to time people with it, but we won't make rules about FPS for timing requirements Third, when timing differently and counting time when the starting frame is when the Circle entirely disappears, a 2nd place run in particular beats a WR which makes no sense. That being said, all runs are going to be retimed WHEN TWO PLAYERS ARE GOING TO BE 0.033 of second differential in their runs. All runs in that category of retiming would end by X.000 / X.033 / X.067 Here's the examples : 1.117 = 1.100 or 1.033 depending on other player's run. Here's another : 4.883 = 4.867 or 4.900 Those examples are not random, they end by a frame rate of 60fps and converted into 30fps manually

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पोस्ट किया गया 2 years ago
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पोस्ट किया गया 2 years ago
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