Level skip glitch
1 year ago


So I think I found a way to skip levels. As far as I know the game works in a way that when you click on a button, that button is selected, and if you press the spacebar it registers as a press on that button. (You can try this out in the car select menu by clicking on the right button once and pressing spacebar; it will switch to the third car.) This way it is possible to press the "Next" button twice when going from on level to another.

I use the spacebar to split between levels and I wrote a not-so-optimized Python script that clicks for me when I press the spacebar, so that I don't have to move my hands from the keyboard:

First I thought that levelskip happened because the script was clicking like 4 time on every spacebar hit so I didn't give much tought to it, but later in a run I could reproduce the levelskip without any tool:

At the moment I don't intend to run the game any further, my initial goal was to achieve a sub10, but I hope this glitch might be helpful.

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