Save Warping and Statue Duping
8 years ago

UnbarringSlinky found two new glitches that break the game even more. The first is Save Warping. For some reason, if you hold forward and spam QS+QL for about a second, you warp to a pre-determined position in the chapter. Here's his video of it:

Flagalstan and I both tried it out and we ended up in that same spot behind the fence next to the tree. It isn't useful in every level (for example, in Chapter 5 if you do this you end up halfway in the floor and can't move) but it can save some major time in a few of them.

The second glitch is Statue Duping. After you pick up a statue if you QS+QL as the icon is moving to the upper right corner, you can dupe a statue. This lets you get through a level with only grabbing two actual statues.

Originally, he thought that dropping the box on your head was part of the glitch, but Flagalstan tried it out and figured out that it's only about timing the QS+QL right.

I've talked to both Flag and Slinky about this and we've decided that since the ability to dupe statues changes how you play the levels in such a significant way that it'll be separated into its own category and Save Warping will be allowed in all categories. So the categories will be likes this: Bending Light%, Any%, 100%, Any% (Duping), and maybe Bending Light% (Duping) if people want to run that as well.

Kansas, USA

Though this is really minor, you can free yourself in chapter 5 by crouching ( •ᴗ•)

Kansas, USA

also duping goes back to 1 statue if you quick save and quick load again after that so it can't work with clipping ( •n•)

Save Warp Locations -these are the spots you end up at when you save warp from the very start of the level

Ch1 -Next to tree behind fence near end of level --Saves lots of time (flag got 17s IL) Ch2 -In hallway w/pillars --Skips some running and flipping a switch Ch3 -Little room w/face TRI piece and fox --Can't get into or out of Ch4 -Next to tree right at beginning Ch5 -stuck in floor next to where you land --can crouch to get un-stuck Ch6 -bottom of tall climb altar room --skips very first room w/switch and yellow barrier Ch7 -room with first red box, just after first room w/crate Ch8 -drops you in elevator hole Ch9 -first room with light and crystal (bottom of tower) Ch10 -in first room, next to torch at hole into tall fall room Ch11 -in hole with red laser that leads down to last puzzle before altar Ch12 -next to some water outside the main altar room(s), near the kami source --stuck in ground, uncrouch to get out Ch13 -slightly forward, on square where all stairs connect Ch14 -directly under bottom of tree (voids out and reset to start of level) Ch15 -in first room, slightly above button Ch16 -on ground of first room with the fox --can't get back up because of invisible floor you usually walk on Ch17 -same spot as Ch1

So by doing a Save Warp at the start of a level you can save time in Chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9. Potentially you could use it in Chapter 16 as well so you can get a nice corner to clip out of instead of against the barrier (which can be weird to get through) or at the start (which sometimes respawns you at the start of the level when you void out instead of the final room).


"For some reason, if you hold forward and spam QS+QL for about a second, you warp to a pre-determined position in the chapter."

You don't actually have to move. Just spamming QS and QL works just fine for me. I would believe that the game gets confused about where to put you so it defaults you to the 0,0,0 XYZ coordinates, though needs to be tested with a RAM watch program (although not necessary since you can't affect where the game puts you).

Also, I found a way to dupe one fox statue into 3 very easily. All you have to do is take the fox statue and QS right after and then spam QL for a second or so. Combining this with the QS+QL warping you can complete the second chapter in less than 30s. I can make a demonstration video if it's necessary.

EDIT: Noticed that the statue duping is not related to picking up the statue. You can dupe one statue to 3 any time (although duping to 2 is easier and more common outcome). I also noticed that after placing 2 statues to the altar, if you QS and then spam QL, the game thinks for a frame or so that you have the third statue and lets you put it in the altar if you time the click well. So this would mean that you only have to grab the fastest statue and just dupe it at the altar.

EDIT2: I also noticed that QS+QL warping can sometimes take away the fox statue(s). Since this would at times get you closer to the altar, I guess it should take a bit more testing if the amount of fox statues lost during QS+QL warping can be influenced to increase reliability.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago

I did a bunch of science on duping with various framerates and mashing speeds.

I used AutoHotkey to mash at various speeds (Presses per Second, or pps) ranging from 5 pps to 1000 pps. For each PPS value, I tested it twenty times at 30fps, 60fps, and Uncapped framerate (uncapping the framerate for me makes it run at about 180fps).

All the data I collected is on this Google Doc: All the mashing was done via this AutoHotkey Script (same as the one I posted in a different thread): Here's the video of doing all the science (It's very boring but I want to post it just for future reference):

This is the method I did the testing in:

  1. Entered Chapter 2, got the first statue and made a hard save and a quick save.
  2. Set the framerate and PPS
  3. Hold hotkey to mash for ~1 second (I had a timer running and watched it so there is some human error here but I think I was relatively consistent with this)
  4. Mark down result and load the hard save, repeating 20 times per combination.

So here's what I've found: -Capping the FPS to 30 does make it consistent (pretty much 100% consistent when doing 100+ PPS, and nearly 100% at anything 35+ PPS). -60 FPS is not quite as consistent but 111+ PPS always scored at least 18 out of 20. -Uncapped framerate was the least consistent with no major consistencies between different PPS values. -Out of 1200 duping attempts, 31 resulted in 1->3 dupes. Interestingly, none of them occurred on 30 fps. It seems that getting 1->3 dupes becomes much more consistent with extremely high framerates. I would be interested to see if someone that can get 300+fps could get more consistent 1->3 dupes. -Across all framerates, it seems any PPS over 100 is about the same in terms of consistency. (Each of them getting 50+ successful dupes out of 60 possible). This is true of both 1->2 and 1->3 dupes. -I only had a dupe go 1->0 once with 333 PPS and Uncapped framerate. I think that I held the hotkey to mash done slightly less than in other times, so it could be that losing your statues means you didn't mash for long enough.

I think that's everything. Personally, when I do duping runs I'll probably cap the framerate to 60 and set the script to 250 PPS. I don't think there's any reason to make any changes to rules for the category since running with a higher framerate seems to just be a disadvantage.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
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