bracket towers glitched
1 year ago

after i did the spine skip i went to the bracket towers but after i entered the first door the game just kept me in the door without bringing me to the next one. any help?

United States

That usually happens when you get the corrupted transistor state from taking the second elevator on the elevator maps and then not killing the spine of the world. It is the reason we do the disjoint at that elevator back to the savepoint to glitch it out and by pass it.


@fhnnhf ty ur an absolute legend. one more thing, i cant figure out how to use load remover in livesplit. i cant downpatch my game because i dont have it on steam. any help about load removing? i saw in an other forum post that you talked about rtrger's load remover, can you send it or something? i just need load remover so yeah..

United States

The load remover we have right now only works on the down patched version of the game. Something about the binaries it reads got changed in that final localization patch and no-one who worked on the original is still around. It might be worth 'acquiring' a steam copy to work around it because loads are usually around 1:30 of time and unfortunately are next to impossible to remove manually. I dont think there is even a clear visual loading indicator to manual with.


my time with loads is 35:27 so i just got a world record either way without even trying hard 💀


why is no one accepting my run, i sent it 3 days ago


@fhnnhf how do you know the world record is fps capped without a counter

Bretagne, France

You can compare specific sections of the run. Cutscenes are very consistent time wise - you can see that the first cutscene (the poster) is ~18s from loss of control to regain of control in 60fps runs. Longer cutscenes give a bigger amount of visibility to fps inconsistency. This is also doable on big gameplay sections that are supposed to be consistent.

There is also multiple comparison - we were multiple people vying for good times (Syna, Kass and me) and we all got relatively similar times for similar sections. I spent a lot of time comparing my runs to both Syna's and Kass, going room by room to find time to save - inconsistencies are easily visible with that amount of analysis. I hope you can analyse to that amount to compare my runs to yours on 60, if you find anything to point out that is inconsistent please do.

But Transistor is an extremely consistent speedgame for large sections - you would see any variation that's over a second /10s of gameplay and wonder "what happenned, how can i get this timesave".

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago

thanks for the response

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