RPG Limit Break - Thief series speedrun
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I've been in discussion with the RPG Limit Break crew and am trying to get a series speedrun of all four games in the series (with their Twitch channel hosting the event.) Would there be any interest from the community for doing this?

I wouldn't mind running Thief 4 (using one of the more interesting categories.) Looking for runners to do the first three games.

California, USA

I would definitely be interested, I can do The Dark Project and The Metal Age; I don't have much practice with Gold or Deadly Shadows. OneginIII would be the guy to get in contact with if you want a Deadly Shadows run, he basically routed the entire game himself and is the preeminent expert in that game.

Pennsylvania, USA

Excellent, I'll reach out to the Deadly Shadows runner and see if he would do Thief 3 in the relay. Is there another runner who could possibly run one of the first two games (in case they want different runners)? They also might want to have someone also doing commentary during the runs of each game as well too.

Pennsylvania, USA

As another update, I reached out to OneginIII and he said he can run DS, but needs to shake the rust. Are there any runners in the Thief 1 community who would also be interested in this marathon?

I wouldn't mind running Thief 2 if you don't mind having more than 1 runner. Contact Pitp0 for Thief Gold.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Great. If we have multiple people running, someone can commentate on the tech during the run. Or they could set up the Thief 2 run as a two person race (which would be really interesting.) I'm going to reach out and let them know that we have runners who can do all of the games.

JakePlisskenSDA और TheCount इसे पसंद करें
California, USA

Yeah a race would be good fun as well, the only downside being the Eavesdropping key which is random for each player and can lose over a minute, so it would definitely be a less-serious kind of race. I treat my Thief 2 marathon runs that way anyway since sometimes there's really nothing you can do but lose time for nothing.

Right now Thief 1 is considerably less active than Thief 2, and it's mostly focused on individual level runs. I'm the only person touching The Dark Project because it's very hard to get working on a modern PC. Pitp0 ran Gold in the past and at ESA but I don't know how long it's been since he did a run. Most of the other older full game runners (alderiusx6, skacky) don't play anymore as far as I know.

EDIT: I also have complete routes for The Dark Project Expert as well as Thief 2 Hard and Expert. I can put the finishing touches on those as well if there is interest in seeing those runs.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
TheCount इसे पसंद करता है

That key would make racing impossible to be balanced. I didn't even think about that.

I want to learn Theif gold. I'm learning a little bit through Pitp0. It seems no one is running it. Pitp0 was talking about trying to get a better time but hasn't played it in a little bit.

We could race or speed run different categories. I have my 100% secrets/loots but I never ran everything in one go so I don't know how consistent I would be with that. (A lot of save states)

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