Adding All Difficulties category
4 years ago
United States

Proposed category rules:

  • must go from easy to normal to difficult
  • switch difficulties when you throw scar off pride rock
  • must soft reset upon difficulty switch

Vote below whether you'd like to see this added to Misc. Thanks 🤍

Bronkel और Estacaco इसे पसंद करें

I'm in, I like torture

Bronkel और EIGHT इसे पसंद करें
Victoria, Australia

Yeah I'm in for a try too. Even if it is just a 30 min play to die to the last hyena fight in graveyard haha.

When exactly would we reset? on flip button press, during scars throw or once scar is off screen? I'd imagine once scar is off screen would be best? That way we know we scar didn't manage to stay on the ledge and we have a little time to reach the reset button.

Orlando, FL, USA

Not something I'd run, but if enough people really decide to run then I don't mind it being added to Misc. However, I wouldn't want it turning into the situation that happened with exploitless where a lot of people said they'd do it and the board sat in the main categories for months with like 3 runs and wasn't touched for a long time. So if enough people are REALLY going to use that category (and will not be ditching the category after one run), then okay.

Also, if this category becomes a reality, how come the difficulty order? I know some people like to get the hard parts of a speedrun done first so the rest of it is a breeze. Unless it effects how the game runs (which I don't think it does), I don't personally see why it should be restricted that you must start from easy and you can't do vice versa.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Like I said on Discord, I'm in for that. An interesting and fun challenge. Nothing crazy, but enough to put it in the Misc. tab. Even with just a few runners. What are even considered "a lot, "enough" or "to less"? I might be wrong, but isn't the Misc. tab for such purposes? I mean, even a main category like Difficult just has 11 runs.

The order is an interesting question from Stormy. I would prefer the defined order like Eight proposed. Why? Cause raising the difficulty makes the run even more intense the longer you are in. I understand the reason to start with the hardest mode, look how Graveyard works out and the rest is somewhat a cake walk. As I mentioned, I sometimes played with the same thought of doing this type of marathon run. So I'm glad others had that too and Eight already did it and propose it to all. In my mind it's a constantly raising challenge. That's what it would make interesting to me. And also more entertaining to watch, since still "everything" can happen till the last part of the run. If you would play Easy% last that would be way less stressful but also way less thrilling since I know how it's gonna end by runners from the top 20.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

An all difficulties seems like it would make a better race format than an actual category but if there’s enough runners that want it I don’t have a problem with adding it

Sarabi इसे पसंद करता है
United States

That would be an interesting run to watch. I doubt I would do it since I prefer short runs, but I see no issue in this being a category. Looks like there is some interest from a few people as well.

Victoria, Australia

Hello, it's me.

I can't see myself running this in the very near future but it has enough support to be created. I still support my original comment regarding splits else it would be to quick to be able to confirm the grab. Maybe the mods can discuss the rule set and create the category?

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