3 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Can we set up a rule on time start and finish. I know this is a stupid obsolete game, but the lack of consistency with timing hurts my soul. Ive been using game start, and ending on final screen, however, black out from boss fight is probably a cleaner end timer point.

JankedJesus इसे पसंद करता है
Portland, OR, USA

I updated the Any% category rules as follows:

Finish the game as quickly as possible.

Time starts upon selecting "new game" and ends upon the fade to black after defeating the final boss.

Future runs should stop the timer at the end of the fade (once the screen is completely black) and before the final cutscene/scorecard. Hopefully this helps with more consistent timings. Since the few current times are far apart enough, I don't think there's any urgent need to retime what's on the leaderboard as of now.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Brienie इसे पसंद करता है
Portland, OR, USA

Just a quick FYI,

I manually retimed the top 3 runs in Death% as the times are so close, I figured it would be worth doing. I made the starting time the last frame in which text appears on the menu screen ("Level 1: The Suburbs") and the ending time the first frame in which the health bar is depleted and the death animation starts.

By this metric, both Brienie and I started our timers slightly early and stopped them slightly late, while Zudo started their timer right on time and stopped theirs slightly early. Because of the early stop, I went frame by frame on their run synced against my timer. Here's the time breakdowns to the nearest frame; I synced all three runs up in editing software to confirm the accuracy of these results. I'll post a video link with all the runs side-by-side shortly.

kyletx500 Starting Time: 00:00.11 Ending Time (First Frame Dead): 00:32.34 Retime: 00.32.23

Zudo9280: Starting Time: 00:00.11 Ending Time (First Frame Dead): 00:32.47 Retime: 00:32.36

Brienie: Starting Time: 00:00.07 Ending Time (First Frame Dead): 00:33.80 Retime: 00:33.73

kanjicasual और Brienie इसे पसंद करें
Portland, OR, USA

Here's the video link:

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