Twitch Highlight Limit Update
1 day ago
United States

Hello Everyone,

As you may already be aware, Twitch recently announced that they will be implementing a 100-hour storage limit for Highlights and Uploads starting April 19, 2025. You can read more details regarding the implementation here.

Of course, my biggest concern is that video evidence of many runs on the leaderboard will be removed as a result of this update if no action is taken. In order to preserve these videos, I have decided to download all LoD SRC submissions that use Twitch Highlights and reupload them to a YouTube channel which will house all of the backup videos.

A huge thanks to the developers of the Speedrun Rescue Script, a script that I have been using, which detects runs submitted (either from a specific individual or for a whole game) with Twitch Highlights and downloads them for you. You can read more details about the script here.

Within the next couple of weeks, I should have all of the videos uploaded to the backup channel on YouTube, and I will be adding the links to those videos on all of the SRC submissions. Note that I will be leaving the Twitch links on the submissions so you will see both the Twitch video and the YouTube video on runs that currently have a Twitch video.

What does this mean for you? I would highly recommend you check your Twitch dashboard to see if you are over the 100-hour limit. You can do this by logging in to Twitch and going to "" (replace username with your Twitch username). If you are over the 100-hour limit, please follow the link near the top of this post which details how Twitch will be handling channels that are still over the 100-hour limit on April 19, 2025. All LoD SRC submissions that currently have a working Twitch video link will have their videos backed up on the backup YouTube channel. So even if you are over the 100-hour limit and your Highlights get deleted, the videos for your LoD SRC submissions will still be preserved. If you are over the 100-hour limit, any Twitch Highlights that have not been submitted to the LoD SRC leaderboard will be at risk of being permanently lost if you do not take any action to back them up.

Once I have all of the submissions updated to include the backup YouTube video links, I plan on going through all submissions and making a list of any submissions that have no working video link. If you see one of your runs on the list and have the video saved somewhere, feel free to let me know so I can update the submission. I will post that list here when I have it.

Feel free to leave any comments/questions below. If you'd like to contact me personally, you can message me directly here or on Twitch. Thanks!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 day ago
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