new to speedrunning
7 years ago
United States

hey guys i love watching speed runs and have decided to give it a try myself. since this is a game im very familiar with from childhood i wanna learn this game. my problem is that i can beat the game all day long, but when i try to speed run im dying like crazy. Any tips for a beginner? ive watch sinister's tutorial but i think its a little too advanced. also ive though about trying to emulate so i can practice certain parts it die alot at but dont know the 1st thing about emulating. Or should I start by speedrunning on easy and work my way up to hard? or just stick with hard mode?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Hawaii, USA

I think the primary thing to get good at if you want to win ez mode is the flying kick (double forward + kick)

This move powers through all enemies in the way, and if you can execute it fast can let you clear the screen no problem even on hard.

Additionally there are no rules against setting yourself to more lives in the Options menu.

United States

yea i ran on easy last night and got a 32:16 on easy, which is i submit it i would be in fourth place, but i died a lot and used 2 continues. i know with a little more practice I can do a lot better. so Im not going to submit it and keep trying.

Ellimist इसे पसंद करता है
Maryland, USA

any practice roms that anyone is aware of? would be great for sd2snes, thanks

Västerbotten, Sweden

Unfortunately, no one has made any practice rom for TMNT4. If you want you can get the USB2SNES add-on for SD2SNES if you want, that lets you patch the game while you're playing with a function to use save states. It can't remember more than the save states of one game so unfortunately you can't have different practice roms with it. At least it's faster than Game Saver!

गेम विवरण
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