Hard mode speedrun
6 years ago

You could start a movement by actually running the category and putting runs on your YouTube than just asking for it blindly :D


We'll add it once people have done runs of it.

East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Problem is it's not that different from regular any%, pretty sure some testing was done in the discord and there are easy solutions to the hard mode mechanics


In Any% it makes Prison South way harder and in Any% Glitchless several strats for other maps are impossible. While it may not change much in Any%, it does for Glitchless, but adding another category called "Any% Glitchless (Hard Mode)" is very redundant imo. It is also redundant to add a 'Normal Mode'/'Hard Mode' option select in the first place to be honest, but it would make things easier if it comes to that.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Load Extender Voting Results

Thank you all for voting. The results are as follows:

2.1 Should the Load Extender be allowed for speedruns?

  • Yes: 23 to No: 3

2.2 Which categories should it be allowed for?

  • In accordance with the majority votes, the LE will be allowed in all categories.

2.3 *If the load ex

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