11 months ago

Yesterday there was the any%+ category, every time I enter the table you change it and now that I send a run you change it again, last time it was the same someone sent a run and a few days later you changed the entire table and you deleted the run.

Besides that, you changed the category again and put 6 and 12 trophies again.

On top of that, you also changed the category on purpose to reject him.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 11 months ago

The category with the same rules as the previous Any%+ is the '6 Trophies Any% DLC'.

All Championship categories start with 'New Game', the rules state.

This part of the rules has remained unchanged throughout.

The rules for all categories have not been changed, just changed the labeling of the categories because I thought the page was confusing.

The record that I previously refused was my friend, and I explained the reasons and convinced him.

(Because it was not recorded at 60 fps + the fps indicator was not on the screen.)


Nowhere was it specified that any%+ was '6 Trophies Any% DLC' and if it were, I don't know why then you added the NO DLC/DLC subcategory.


All were described in 'Show rules'.

Everything is the same as before.

Previously 'No DLC = 6 Trophies' and 'DLC = 12 Trophies'.

The previous 'Any%+' rule was 'DCL cars allowed'.

So "Any%+ before = DLC now".

I don't know if you had read the rules, but I have just made this clearer.


Not something to add, but the previous 'Any%' rule was 'no use of DLC cars'.

So 'Any% before = No DLC now'.

As I've said many times, I didn't change a single letter in 'Show rules' as I just made the display easier to read.

If you had seen the previous rules, you would know that.


I read the rules but another thing is that the categories and subcategories are well done, if you put any%+ anyone will believe that it is NG+ not that it is Any% DLC that is.


It's not that I haven't read the rules but that you did the subcategories wrong.


You thought Any%+ was NG+ because you didn't look at the rules, did you?

There is no such thing as an "NG+" rule from the start, and the Any%+ rules don't say that.

I told you that the Championship said to start with NewGame.

As I said before, I did not change a single letter in the Show rules.

You ran without understanding the rules.

The reason there are more sub-categories is because in the 'Any%+' section there were written rules for 'Any%' and rules for the use of 'DLC cars', which I separated to make it easier for you to understand.


I'm not going to continue arguing, because later you're going to change the table again like you did the previous 3 times without any specific reason.


You don't answer whether you knew the rules or not.

I am not going to discuss it either.

I'm not going to change the category notation anymore.

I don't think I can make it any clearer.

There is no such category as NG+ to begin with, so the record you submitted would have been rejected anyway.

Please make sure you know the rules properly this time before you try.


I read all the rules but it did not specify the any%+ subcategory, only the category


If you'd read the Championship rules, you wouldn't mistake it for NG+.

I don't want to discuss it anymore.

No matter what I say, you won't understand.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार

The notation has been changed because some people misunderstood the rules.

All the respective rules have been in place before.

No new 'additions' or 'changes' have been made.

11 months ago
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