List of skips
6 years ago

This list is not comprehensive, but it does cover all of the relevant skips. Items determined with Rule (2) of the definition are indicated with the date they were decided.

[center]Strats considered skips[/center] (Ando Prime)

  • Beedo’s Wild Ride cave skip before offroad
  • All Ando Prime out of bounds tent skips
  • Howler Gorge/Andobi Mountain Run hairpin skip
  • Andobi Mountain Run canyon skip
  • All variations of the Ando Prime Centrum hairpin skip (Aquilaris)
  • Sunken City/Bumpy's Breakers shortest cut (9 Nov 2021)
  • Bumpy’s Breakers lap skip (9 Nov 2021) (Baroonda)
  • Taking the shortcut on lap 1 on GVG or FMR (30 Nov 2022)
  • Inferno lap skip, both parts (9 Nov 2021)
  • Inferno lava cut on the right before the volcano (9 Nov 2021)
  • Inferno driving left of the volcano (16 Nov 2021) (Malastare)
  • Malastare 100 skip
  • Both Dug Derby skips
  • Sebulba's Legacy: If your entire pod drops below the level of the upper track, and you gain an advantage by doing so, then you must use the lower bowl exit or it will be a skip (16 Nov 2021) (Mon Gazza)
  • All Zugga’s Challenge skips (Oovo IV)
  • All Oovoo lap skips (including Gauntlet)
  • Executioner skip
  • Gauntlet rock wall and rock skips
  • Gauntlet bowl cut and bowl jump (19 Nov 2021) (Ord Ibanna)
  • All strats that cut distance by jumping over the void, which includes:
    • Scrapper's Run both jump cuts
    • Dethro's Revenge skip
    • Dethro's Revenge roof corner cuts (is only a skip if you jump across the void)
    • All Abyss skips (Tatooine)
  • Boonta Training skip
  • Boonta Classic arches skip

[center]Strats NOT considered skips[/center]

  • Boonta Training Course ending jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Baroo Coast jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Out of bounds finishes on Dethro’s Revenge and Abyss
  • Boonta Classic dev intended shortcut, including right of the arch (9 Nov 2021)
  • Ando Prime Centrum pillar jump (9 Nov 2021)
  • Climb back up on Abyss

[center]AI/MFG skips[/center]

  • Vengeance AI skip
  • Sunken City AI skip
  • Grabvine Gateway AI skip
  • All MFGs

[center]SKIP DEFINITION[/center]

  1. A strategy is a skip if it REDUCES DISTANCE TRAVELLED by any one of the following methods:
  • a. Going out of bounds (oob), which is defined by initiating the game's internal oob timer. An oob region does not count if it is unavoidable or part of the track spline.
  • b. Clipping through a wall or object that has collision (from any direction).
  • c. Triggering a lap some place other than the start-finish line.
  1. A strategy may also be deemed a skip if it REDUCES DISTANCE TRAVELLED and is judged to be a skip using the following principles:
  • a. These factors contribute to the strategy being a skip: -- i. Cutting a significant portion of the track. -- ii. Wall riding, extreme climbing, or bouncing. -- iii. An unusual jump or another advanced trick. -- iv. Driving through a visible texture (without collision). -- v. The route is very different from the track spline (in distance or shape). -- vi. Accessing an area that appears to not be developer-intended.
  • b. These factors contribute to the strategy NOT being a skip: -- i. Offroad. -- ii. A jump that is directly accessible from the track spline. -- iii. It appears to be little more than a creative line or hidden shortcut. -- iv. The pod stays on flat or almost-flat ground. -- v. The route is similar to the track spline (in distance or shape). -- vi. Accessing the area or performing the strategy appears to be developer-intended.
  1. If a strategy requires triggering a Maximum Fall Glitch (MFG), or using the AI to load portions of track, then it is an MFG/AI skip.
  2. A strategy that enables a recovery from a mistake is not a skip, as long as it does not cut less distance than not making the mistake in the first place.

Rule (2) is judged on a case-by-case basis by the mod team. The mod team must make its decision based solely on how the strategy in question fits into the principles in Rule (2). Both the number of principles met, and the degree (or severity) to which they are met, matter. If a strategy is called into question, the mod team holds a vote. In the event of a tie, it is considered a skip. A previous decision can be changed with a two-thirds majority vote. All decisions must be logged and dated on the forum.

के द्वारा संपादित kingbeandip 2 years ago
metallica5167 और PeterJordanson इसे पसंद करें
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