Instant Action Saga #3 Clone Wars Conquest
Instant Action Saga #3 Clone Wars Conquest
अपडेट किया गया 7 years ago से lako3000

As usual, if anyone finds better strats than these let me know and i can update the guide :D

Friendly fire = on or off, doesn’t really matter Conquest, time for some real rng, other categories have nothin on conquest rng…


Conruscant Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin Droid
  • Rush up to command post for and capture, kill all republic units that run out of command post 3
  • Pick up Darth Maul when command post 4 is captured and rush command post 3, makes sure there isn’t many enemy in going to 4 or you will risk them recapturing but don’t go out of your way to kill like 1 or 2 units.
  • After command post 3 is captured there is good rng where your allies would have captured command post 2, and theres bad rng where the enemy have captured command post 2.
  • If your allies captured 2 then your free to win by capture but if otherwise then rush command post 2 and capture for the win.
  • Reset if the republic recapture any command posts
  • Maintain Darth Maul throughout the level YOLO Strategy
  • Yes, I have to put this in because there is always that slim chance that this works but it never has for me, Spawn and Rush command post 3 and kill as many units as possible to get a quick Darth maul and then rush 3 again, trying to make sure that no republic units escape towards command post 2 or capture command post 4. Probably get units to follow you at the start of the level, for luck.


Dagobah Strategy This map is complete rng to get good times for so prepare to reset here a lot

  • CIS
  • Assassin droid
  • Get a few units to follow you and rush command post 3.
  • Drop an auto turret and continue on to rush command post 2, killing all incoming enemies towards command post 3
  • Capture command post 2, throw down a turret if u have one then go grievous
  • Make attempts to capture command post 1 while hoping that the enemy ai doesn’t recapture any.


Death Star Strategy

  • Republic
  • Assassin
  • Rush command post 3 and get obi asap
  • Capture command post 3 to white with obi one then rush and capture command post 2 to white.
  • Kill all enemies near 2 while you’re at it then move on to command post 1
  • Block and saber throw and run around while capturing command post 1 to white then kill all units and finish capture to achieve victory


Felucia Strategy

  • Republic
  • Trooper
  • Rush command post 3 and kill surrounding units then spawn as Aayla Secura when the post is captured
  • Proceed to post 4 and by this time the cis will start taking command post 5.
  • After you have 4 head towards 5 and recapture if you need to.
  • Run up to command post 6 and kill as many units on your way as you can to try and spawn trap them
  • Capture command post 6


Geonosis Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at command post 2 and take a Hellfire Tank and rush command post 4
  • Capture and swap to Dooku
  • Rush command post 5 (with good rng your allies will capture 6)
  • After 5 go and protect 4 then run and capture 6
  • While your getting victory protect command post 4 which is probably under pressure because of at te spawns


Jabba’s Palace Strategy

  • Cis
  • Assassin
  • Rush command post 3 and capture
  • Take Maul and rush command post 4, kill most units then go to command post 5 and proceed to maximise your kill rate.
  • Stay away from those Gamorian Guards, 1 hit and your literally dead
  • Taking command post 5 takes too long and there is like a 99% chance that you’ll die trying to do so which is why the strat is to get the victory by killing all enemies.
  • Recapture command posts necessary to ensure that you can kill units fast
  • The last unit may be down in the Rancor pit


Kamino Strategy

  • Republic
  • Assassin
  • Get some units to follow and rush command post 5 (going through 1 and killing a few droids)
  • Capture and destroy turrets on your way to command post 1
  • Capture 1 and then kill units on your way to command post 0, making sure that none of them could head to 5 because that’s what rng loves to do.
  • Capture 0 and your all good.
  • Destroying turrets is good for this because the cis mostly use them instead of allies.
  • Safe Strats are to spawn obi 1 at command post 2 and destroy every turret on the map on your way to capturing command post 1


Kashyyk Strategy

  • Republic
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at 3 and take a speeder to command post 2 and capture
  • Get back on the speeder and capture post 1, snipe units on their way to recapture 2
  • Easy level XD


Mos Eisley Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assasin
  • Spawn at 4 and rush command post 3
  • Take Darth Maul and spawn at command post 6 then kill all republic soldiers on your way to command post 1
  • Skip 1 for now and capture command post 2 to white then return and capture command post 1
  • The ai loves to try and get 6 and 4 so be wary of that


Mustafar Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at 0 and head to 5, throw down an autoturret and capture the post.
  • Spawn darth maul and capture command post 2
  • Make sure no enemies are heading to 5 and proceed to command post 1
  • The trick to not die here is to spam dash attacks in circles while killing units to stay alive


Mygeeto Strategy

  • Republic
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at 2 and rush command post 4 and capture
  • Spawn Ki-Adi-Mundi at 4 and kill some droids on the way to capture 5
  • If the cis starts taking 4 again rush there and stop them because if they take it it’s a huge waste of time


Naboo Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Rush command post 4
  • Spawn maul on command post 1 and rush 2, killing units ofc
  • Capture and then go for command post 3 and 4 if its recaptured.


Polis Masa Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at command post 4 and rush through post 3 and kill 10 units
  • Spawn Darth maul at command post 4 and rush past command post 3 and capture command post 2
  • Post 2 can be fully captured if need be otherwise you can capture it to white and kill all units on your way to command post 1
  • Capture post 1 and watch out for any funny stuff with command post 2 from the republic


Tantive IV Strategy

  • Republic
  • Assassin
  • Rush command post 3 and capture
  • Spawn Yoda and rush command post 4
  • Allies should capture post 2 but if they don’t after you capture 4 head over to it


Utapou Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Rush command post 4 and shoot enemies heading towards post 5
  • Capture 4 and spawn grevious then capture command post 5
  • Rush and capture command post 6 while trying to ensure that no enemies can recapture command post 5


Yavin 4 Strategy

  • CIS
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at 3 and rush 5
  • Shoot units trying to enter vehicles and those on speeders
  • After capturing spawn maul and rush 6
  • Capture 6 if u can before the enemy ai get 4 or 2 (they love to do that)
  • Run back and recapture real quick If you need to
  • Spam the sprint towards post 7 and capture to finish the run
गेम विवरण
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