Switch differences?
Hey, im sorry if this has been covered im just having a hard time finding any info. Is there any detrement to running on switch? Im a SOR2 guy but love streets 4 and dont have a computer that could play this game much less while running obs. Anyhow just curious if theres a reason people might shy away from running on switch. Thanks.
Blaxas322 इसे पसंद करता है
I don't think there's any detriment to running the game on Nintendo Switch with regards to performance, and IGT is the same across all platforms.
Taken from a different post = "The timer is in frame, so it doesn't matter if the game is slower or faster on a platform as no frames are skipped"
ckellyspeedruns इसे पसंद करता है
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स्तर: Estel
स्तर: Zan SoR3