Bug that never happened to me ever in any of my attempts
1 year ago
Bretagne, France

So i had a decent run (at least for me) up until jail where for some reason i died while opening the cage and then clementine decided to not follow and stood in place killing my run instantly.

Can anybody explain this to me? is it because i died like 2 minutes earlier in a cutscene and the game badly register my state as if i was still in the cutscene or something?

: here the incident

: so yea a bit sad :c

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
DIABLERIE इसे पसंद करता है

Nothing wrong here, it's just Clem being the buggiest npc in the game. Her AI can break for unknown reasons. Reload to fix it (sometimes you need to do it multiple times).

In your clip, if Clem doesn't start walking to the other room when you open the door then you'll have to reload.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
Bretagne, France

oh well i didn't know thanks

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Rule Changes

Hey all!

There have been several recent changes to the rulesets. I encourage everyone to review the rules in full, but the main changes are listed below:

IL's now end at the first checkpoint of a future chapter. Please review individual chapter rules for which checkpoints are used.


2 years ago
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