Question about BI3 Any% in 0.6.3
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Hello! I'm making this thread because I wanted to ask a question about a specific category of the leaderboards, more specifically, about Any% in Bonus Island III (BI3 for short).

So, to give some context first, in versions 0.6.2 or earlier, Bonus Island III consisted of 2 separate parts: a snowy part, and a "secret" forest part, which could be accessed by beating the secret level "The Toilette Zone". Because of the latter being a secret island, the any% route for this category in said versions never required to visit it, so the run would just end as soon as you beat "The Dark Castle", the final level of the snowy section.

However, in the latest version of SuperTux (0.6.3), BI3 was actually changed up a bit, and now, the forest section is actually the continuation of the snowy part, which means that to get to the forest, you now have to first beat "The Dark Castle". So here's my question: Would this change mean that in 0.6.3 or later versions, the BI3 any% rules would be changed (so that now you have to beat the last level of the Forest area for any% instead), or would the run still end at "The Dark Castle" as it did in the earlier versions, no matter what?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! :)


hi, i guess we should so something similar to what we did in story mode, AKA splitting it into the icy part of bi3, and the forest part of bi3, additionally, maybe a category where you have to beat both could also be a thing, that's the best way as i see it, but who knows.

IggyHopXD इसे पसंद करता है
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Yeah I also of thought that as a possibility, and I think that's a pretty good idea which could work if implemented, especially considering in that case all runs previously done for the Any% category could just be moved to the Icy Part any% sub-leaderboard of BI3 since that's essentially what they are (though of course we'd have to hear what the mods of the leaderboards think first :P). Anyways thanks for the reply!

गेम विवरण
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