Emulator suggestion
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello there. I have been wanting to run Sprash (Spyro Trifecta) but I recently encountered a problem. The only emulator available for me would be PcSx - Rearmed, although it isn't on the allowed emulators.

It is for use on the Raspberry Pi, and there isn't many options players could use to their advantage on the Pi.

It's using the latest version of RetroPie, which has tons of emulators for the Raspberry Pi, including PS1, with its emulator being PcSx - Rearmed.

Here is the source code for the emulator the Pi uses: https://github.com/notaz/pcsx_rearmed

The Pi 3 and 2 aren't very powerful, although they aren't very weak, either. The Pi 0 and 1 however may have a harder time emulating PS1.

The reason I wasn't very sure was because emulation usually refers to PC gaming, while this is using something different.

EDIT: Since I was planning on doing Sprash (Spyro Trifecta) I would also like Spyro 2 and 3 to use this emulator as well.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Devon, England

if we could have some footage of loads and everything then we can have a look at numbers and make a more justifiable decision on the use of this emulator

also, do you only have a Pi then, do you not have a PC that can run a emulator and video recording software and splitting software?

Texas, USA

I have a PC that can run video recording and splitting software, but not an emulator, hence why I use a Pi.

As for footage of loads, what parts do you need? Or do you need every load screen in the game?

Snickerdoodle इसे पसंद करता है
Devon, England

What you said makes no sense, how can you do video recording but not ps1 emulation? For footage we just need cutscenes and some level loads as well as parts of gameplay.

Texas, USA

The computer I use has it built in.

I can get you the footage soon, but it may be a while. Until then, I understand that the Pi won't be used, yet.

Snickerdoodle इसे पसंद करता है
South Australia, Australia

I know this is from 6 years ago, but is it still valid?

California, USA

No, PCSX-R has since been tested and found to not be sufficiently accurate, it's way worse than every legal emu

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
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