How did this happen?
1 year ago

I recently ran pit% for the first time and in room 25 the key spawned at the door for no apparent reason as shown below

Tonight I tried to recreate this thinking it had something to do with tricking the game into thinking I had soft locked by not being able to kill the chain chomp and vice versa, but I couldn’t get the key to spawn like it did before as shown below

Can someone please explain how this happened?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
Yme_ इसे पसंद करता है

Hi! This behavior is known (albeit it's the first time I see it done in room 25). The game has a failsafe where if no enemy is inside the room while the key did not spawn, it spawns the key in front of the door. When only one enemy is left there are several ways to get its hitbox slighthly out of bounds with Thoreau. Here are some examples with the ceiling, a wall and the floor. Your case is close to the floor example. If the Chain Chomp was not on the floor you were indeed softlocked. This Chain Chomp is the sole reason why you should have at least 60,000 points by room 25. As long as your 1-1 point grind is decent (like over 30,000 points) you should be able to reach this point goal on time.

Cats4ever, Kora और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

That’s really interesting. Thanks!

गेम विवरण
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