Catch em All in 1h 43m 38s by
Tried new route. New PB. Yes by 5 seconds. Sorry moderators.
Catch em All

Real Time Attack
1h 43m 38s
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Pengin | 5m 31s 515ms | 5m 31s 515ms |
2 | Monkay | 0m 24s 978ms | 5m 56s 493ms |
3 | Chu-Chu Nezumi गोल्ड | 0m 15s 282ms | 6m 11s 775ms |
4 | Sna-Kat | 3m 53s 537ms | 10m 05s 312ms |
5 | [05] Velocirapstar | 2m 05s 525ms | 12m 10s 837ms |
6 | Poodlesaurus Rex | 7m 25s 135ms | 19m 35s 972ms |
7 | Roidrat | 10m 57s 746ms | 30m 33s 718ms |
8 | Beetlebot | 9m 16s 187ms | 39m 49s 905ms |
9 | Cosmonewt | 3m 21s 983ms | 43m 11s 888ms |
10 | [10] Flowerpotamus | 0m 37s 846ms | 43m 49s 734ms |
11 | Brocorri | 1m 23s 891ms | 45m 13s 625ms |
12 | Lambtron गोल्ड | 2m 17s 525ms | 47m 31s 150ms |
13 | Gerbitoad गोल्ड | 0m 56s 455ms | 48m 27s 605ms |
14 | Stegmata गोल्ड | 7m 59s 085ms | 56m 26s 690ms |
15 | [15] Furrycat गोल्ड | 0m 04s 339ms | 56m 31s 029ms |
16 | Gophermon गोल्ड | 2m 48s 881ms | 59m 19s 910ms |
17 | Vamporko गोल्ड | 0m 23s 669ms | 59m 43s 579ms |
18 | Gunrilla गोल्ड | 1m 39s 322ms | 1h 01m 22s 901ms |
19 | RabbiTech गोल्ड | 0m 44s 446ms | 1h 02m 07s 347ms |
20 | [20] Ferasnarf गोल्ड | 2m 04s 301ms | 1h 04m 11s 648ms |
21 | Roo-stor गोल्ड | 0m 42s 096ms | 1h 04m 53s 744ms |
22 | Donkeytron गोल्ड | 2m 07s 001ms | 1h 07m 00s 745ms |
23 | Pterdaken गोल्ड | 5m 37s 171ms | 1h 12m 37s 916ms |
24 | Accountafish गोल्ड | 7m 08s 536ms | 1h 19m 46s 452ms |
25 | [25] Terribovine गोल्ड | 1m 48s 508ms | 1h 21m 34s 960ms |
26 | Fatdactyl गोल्ड | 0m 09s 541ms | 1h 21m 44s 501ms |
27 | Fetuswami गोल्ड | 5m 13s 235ms | 1h 26m 57s 736ms |
28 | Biebersaurus गोल्ड | 13m 07s 761ms | 1h 40m 05s 497ms |
29 | Mouse-Tik गोल्ड | 0m 44s 220ms | 1h 40m 49s 717ms |
30 | [30] Shoe गोल्ड | 2m 58s 710ms | 1h 43m 48s 427ms |
New Leaderboard Changes!
Hey everyone! Some new changes have been made to the South Park Stick of Truth leaderboard! Wanted to make a post here so everyone can be aware, and if anyone has concerns, feel free to dm me, or create a forum post about it. Noted below will be the changelog of everything created/changed for the le
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