What is a good time for your first run?
4 years ago
Georgia, USA

I just did my first run yesterday (11/18/2020) and got a 1:28:34. I was wondering if this is good for a first run or bad.

Leaf और FedeyEtc इसे पसंद करें
Georgia, USA

I do have quite a bit of experience with the game. I have about 50 hours or so on it

Leaf इसे पसंद करता है
Massachusetts, USA

That's a crazy good first run! My first run I barely got a sub 2. Also, with your first like 5 PBs, you shouldn't be at all concerned with how good it is. Congrats!

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Baltimore, MD, USA

Assuming we are talking about any% that is a stellar first run doing the math you should be a top 50 runner in a bit if you keep up the good work

Pear इसे पसंद करता है

That's a really good time for your first run. My first run was a 2:11:52.

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Georgia, USA

Wow I didnt know it was that good. I have been slowly doing runs adding 1 kingdom after every 2 runs or so, so would that effect me on pace to be top 50?

Leaf इसे पसंद करता है
Baltimore, MD, USA

not negatively just gives you practice and that should give you an advantage toward top 50

Pear इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

Congrats on that first run!! That's hella of a good job!

Madrid, Spain

1:28 is a very good first run imo

SpeedIn और Pear इसे पसंद करें
United Kingdom

my first run with a 1:08 player (now 1:02 player) guiding me through was a 1:45, then a 1:39, then a 1:28

Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

i mean my first run was 2:14 and now i have a 1:04 so its good but imo you shouldnt be asking whether its good or not since it depends on the person

Soupious, Xdxboxjaja, और Pear इसे पसंद करें
Baltimore, MD, USA

I have not improoved that much from my first 3 hour ish run to my now 2:30:xx run but some people do

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

my first run was 3 hours and my current pb (7th run) is 1:26. i did 8 runs but the 8th one did not pb. however it was still a sub 2 (just know i didnt run the game for 2 months at that point so i was rusty af)

Minnesota, USA

My first run was a 2:32 but I had just made up a route on the fly. And my current pb after 8-9 months is 1:09:07

Maryland, USA

My first run was around a 3:02 and my current pb is a 1:29.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

linny had a better 1st run by over 30 minutes but i have a better time than him now

linny356 इसे पसंद करता है
Baltimore, MD, USA

that is all that matters lol

Massachusetts, USA

I think I dropped my time down by 40 minutes from my first run after like a week or something. I need to get back to SMO and get at least sub 1:15.

Virginia, USA

If you didn't put in any practice thats a crazy good time for a first run. but even if you did its still a really good time for a first run.

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