टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Gateway गोल्ड | 11m 25s 197ms | 11m 25s 197ms |
2 | Terrace गोल्ड | 34m 35s 310ms | 46m 00s 507ms |
3 | Fountain गोल्ड | 29m 01s 725ms | 1h 15m 02s 232ms |
4 | Kitchen गोल्ड | 31m 53s 426ms | 1h 46m 55s 658ms |
5 | Bedroom गोल्ड | 43m 21s 922ms | 2h 30m 17s 580ms |
6 | Engine Room गोल्ड | 46m 52s 468ms | 3h 17m 10s 048ms |
7 | Final Bowser गोल्ड | 1h 15m 53s 012ms | 4h 33m 03s 060ms |
Level Leaderboard Update!
Hey everyone! The level leaderboards have been updated! There are now only two main categories: "All Stars" and "Single Stars" and the characters are now subcategories. In order to do this, I had to manually transfer all of the Luigi runs (including obsolete runs) to the two main categories respecti
हाल की दौड़ें
स्तर: Honeyhive Galaxy
स्तर: Gateway Galaxy
स्तर: Bowser's Galaxy Reactor