4-2 wall clip
6 years ago

I was really interested in this after alot of top runners started doing this and i want to know how to do it. all i really know is that you have to clip in it and press back so it sends you forward but i have been struggling and been trying for 10 minutes straight not getting it a single time. i would like to have some tips or maybe a more detailed explanation of how to do as well as knowing if this saves any time in the run or effects it in any way

This video by SummoningSalt should answer some of your questions. I don't have any tips, but the people here on the forum are always helpful, so maybe someone can help you out soon!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
Tomygood, Darpey और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

thanks for the video it was very interesting and fun to sit through but i still need a bit more detail on how to do it consistently

B1GEY3DPYTH0N इसे पसंद करता है

Can someone please tell me

Victoria, Australia

You haven't even submitted a run yet, unless you're hoarding a 56 or low 57 it's probably not a good idea to go for it in runs. edit: wait somehow I read that as 1-2 clip. Oops. I can't give you advice on it but still, there are easier methods that are only a few framerules slower, which you should probably learn first.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
KingOfJonnyBoy और darG इसे पसंद करें


WesCopeland इसे पसंद करता है
Indiana, USA

I've submitted runs for other categories but I've started to get consistent on blazeit. And I think the normal 3 bump method is hard for me. It is really a preference thing. If you want to do it, it's good on you. Here's a vid of me trying to do the clip.

Once you do a small jump, you hold left and smash "A" while holding "B"

Oklahoma, USA

The thing is - if you can't do the 3 bump method (it is hard for newer players) I'd suggest you do a four bump method, or an easier set of three bumps and shoot for the 373 or 372... just to get a run as close to 5:00 as you can. If you want to do blazit for blazit's sake, good for you, but there really is a reason that only the people going for 456 runs (a single digit number of people) do blazit... because it's really hard to do consistently. And even if you get it, you're likely to miss the framerule that it would save you over the normal 375 3 bump method.

Four bumps aiming for a 373 or 372 is pretty easy, and it only loses you a single second over blazit, which is a trick so difficult only a few people in the world are trying it.

Here's an example of an easier three bump wrong warp setup that will get you a 373... but there's tons of different ways that you could do it, as long as you're jumping backwards three (or more) times against a block


के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
Otterstone_Gamer, coolestto और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Dolnośląskie, Poland

As @Darpey says.

Also, I highly recommend you a "medium 374" method, because it's easier than "optimal 375" method, and if you train it a little bit, you will get 375 about in 8-9/10 attempts. I'm doing it right now, and I pleased with the results.



I really think wrong warp is easier than the solid going to the vine in "377". I'm doing 373 but I can't do it. Because of the last pipe that I'm gonna brush in to.

I think that these people are awfully scared of you burning out Keepo (but do be careful, I have burnt out before, if you need tips on how to make a comeback from a burnout or to prevent it come talk to me and I can try and help)

Doing blazit is not that easy, and it does take some practice, it did take me a little over a day of practice to get my first FPG. Be patient, and I recommend watching Lil_Tetris's video that he posted getting a 420 blazit (look frame by frame so you get an idea what to do) You can also look at this video for reference as well



What do you mean burning out???

The literal defintion of burn out is to become completely exhausted through overwork. You basically just start having a really hard time and everything is super hard and you aren't really progressing.


Oh ok. I kind of burn out a little bit and 4-2 is very easy for me. Aside from that, I never die In that level in a long run, just 8-2 or 8-3.


@Darpey I’ve been using my own weird like 2-3 bump method and sometimes if I do it good I get optimal 375 but the jumps are kind of hard and I wanted to use wall clip so I don’t worry about the hard jumps. But even when I normally brush up on a block I still get 374, I just wanna stop getting a 374 when I 100% know I can get a 375

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago

@KomedyKid 2 BUMP METHOD U WOT M8? I say, to get 375 more often and better, is to work on doing the bumps better and faster (if you need a comparison I can try and show you) Even some 374 methods can get 375 even consistently if you can do the bumps better and faster


@Lul_ecks_dee my problem isn’t the bumps it’s the 2-3 frame jumps that I have an issue with and it’s getting me 375 because when I jump too late I brush up on the block and stops me from getting a potential 376

Oklahoma, USA

In the entire world, there are two - yes - two people who have a run with blazit in their pb.

There are hundreds and hundreds of people that have pbs with 375

You're focusing on the wrong thing - If you don't feel comfortable with the bumps then go super safe and get a 372.

Or just admit that you want to do blazit because it's fun to do, which is totally fine =) But it's not an optimal way to grind a faster time unless your time is 4:57 or lower. Even somewes and kosmic aren't THAT consistent at blazit (because it's a hard frame-perfect trick) Get a route in the wrong warp that you feel comfortable with that you can do consistently (like at least 80% of the time in practice) and then get consistent at the rest of the game and focus on bringing your time down. Since you don't have a pb on the leaderboard I assume you don't have a sub-5... so focus on completing the game without a death, even if it's a 5:20, or slower, then slowly bring down your time.

Good luck!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
coolestto और KingOfJonnyBoy इसे पसंद करें

so rn I feel extremely comfortable with 2 bump 375 but yes I do wanna do Blazit because it’s fun so I’ll just stick with aldyn’s suggestion and watch the clip frame by frame

Oregon, USA

are you on pal or ntsc @KomedyKid

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